Greg Bothun, Dept. of Physics, University of Oregon
Darn Tutin' Pubs
Chapter 5. The Matter Dominated Universe: From Helium to Uranium
Structure Formation: Galaxies as Containers of Life The image below is part of the Ultra Hubble Deep Field that was obtained in 2004 by the Hubble Space Telescope. In this image, which is just a tiny piece of the sky, we see thousands of galaxies of different colors, shapes and sizes.
![]() For now, we should view galaxies as the basic mass structures that formed (somehow) in the Universe and these mass structures serve as the basic containers for large amounts of gas (hydrogen). When this hydrogen is collected and contained in one structure, the gas can cool and fragment and turn into stars. In turn, those stars will process the hydrogen gas into heavier and heavier elements through the process of nuclear fusion. Eventually planets and life will arise in these galaxies. Hence the formation of Galaxies after recombination, when matter can clump due to gravity, is really the first necessary step in the formation of Life. Moreover, it is now well established that the formation of galaxies did not occur in an isolated manner. Where one galaxy formed, others seemed to have formed. This has lead to a very strong hierarchical clustering of galaxies as shown below:
![]() This map of the galaxy distrubution shows a highly filamentary structure in which galaxies are distributed on a complex and connected network. Within that network are large black regions, called voids, which are, you guessed, devoid of galaxies. The two large black wedges are just where our own Galaxy interferes with our view of distant galaxies and so no data exists in those regions. The complexity of the galaxy distribution is very hard to understand but current modelling of this structure suggests that the existence of dark matter is necessary condition to produce the observed complexity. The Evidence for Dark Matter Before discussing the relation between dark matter and structure formation, it is useful to summarize the various lines of evidence that suggests in must exist. Keep in mind that although it must exit, actually, we have not yet detected it. This should soften the word, "must". In this way, believe in dark matter is perhaps more faith based than evidence based. This is not an unsual situation for science, although the lay person is seldom exposed to this situation. Objects which emit light, whether they are cigars, light bulbs, cows, stars or galaxies can be characterized by their emitted energy per unit mass. This is parameterized as the Mass to Luminosity ratio or M/L. For cosmological purposes, it is most convenient to express M/L in terms of solar masses and luminosities. For main sequence stars it can be shown that L is proportional to M3.5-4 . Thus, a 10 solar mass star star has M/L of approximately 0.001, a 1 solar mass star has M/L =1 and a 0.1 solar mass star has M/L of approximately 1000. The term "dark matter" refers to the the existence of objects which have extreme values for M/L. In general, the evidence for dark matter is a result of analyzing the motions of test particles on some scale and seeing if there is enough mass that can be accounted for by the light emitting objects on that scale to produce the observed motion. If there is not enough light, then some other form of matter must be providing the mass. The first historical success of using perturbed motions to find matter was the discovery of Neptune in 1846 from the observed perturbations in the motion of Uranus. In the 20th century, a similar analysis of Neptune allowed for the discovery of Pluto in 1930. There is no evidence for dark matter in our Solar System. Similarly, if one analyzes the motions of nearby stars around us to constrain the local mass density of our place in the disk of our Galaxy, there is no strong evidence for dark matter. But, a census of the mass in our neighborhood is interesting. The total mass density that has been inferred is approximately 0.18 solar masses per cubic parsec. Testing for the presence of dark matter in the solar neighborhood now becomes an accounting problem. The possible sources of this mass in the solar neighborhood are 1) luminous stars, 2) interstellar gas, 3) stellar remnants (mostly white dwarfs) and 4) dark matter. Observations indicate that approximately 0.1 solar masses per cubic parsec of mass density is in the form of luminous stars (including the thick disk component of our Galaxy). This implies additional mass not in the form of luminous stars but it can readily be accounted for. Approximately 0.05 solar masses per cubic parsec is in the form of gas (gas gets turned into stars, of course), and the remaining 0.03 solar masses per cubic parsec is in the form of white dwarfs (stellar evolutionary end points of low mass stars). Thus within our local area of the Galaxy, there is no evidence for dark matter. However, on scales of galaxies and clusters of galaxies, there is ample evidence for dark matter. For individual galaxies, this evidence comes mostly from analysis of galaxy rotation curves. A rotation curve is a measurement of the orbital velocity of a star as a function of radius from the center of a galaxy. For instance, our Sun is orbiting our Galaxy at a velocity of 220 km/sec. The Earth is orbiting the sun at a velocity of 30 km/sec while Mars is orbiting at 24 km/sec. The reduced orbital velocity of Mars is because it feels less gravitational acceleration than the Earth because its farther away from the Sun and the Sun is effectively a gravitational point Mass which contains all of the mass of the Solar sytem. If galaxies had a mass distribution like the Solar system, then we would expect the orbits of stars that are more distant from the center of the galaxy to be less than stars that are closer. As shown below, this is not what is observed. ![]()
The existence of flat rotation curves of galaxies can only be explained if the mass of the galaxy is increasing in direct proportion to the radius. We can understand this by referring to the derivation of Kepler's Third Law that was done in Chapter 1. Newton was able to show that for an object in circular orbit, the orbital velocity is determined by the total mass enclosed within the radius. In equation form, this is given by
![]() But why can't galaxy halos just be composed of stellar remnants? For instance, a galaxy halo that was composed of black holes would certainly be dark yet provide enough mass to account for the observed flat rotation curves. This can be ruled out by a very simple but powerful argument. A black hole is the endpoint evolution of a massive main sequence star. Thus, the object that is now the black hole wasn't always black. There was a period when it was producing light. Hence, if galaxy halos are now composed of black holes or other remnants, there would have been a time in the past when the halo was full of luminous stars. As we look out farther in distance we are looking back in time due to the finite speed of light. Hence, halos should be bright when galaxies are younger but observations of distant galaxies do not show any evidence for luminous halos as a function of look-back time. As a result we can rule out galactic halos as being composed of mostly stellar remnants.
Clusters of Galaxies
Clusters of galaxies represent a region of the Universe in which the mass density is sufficiently high that the expansion has been overcome. An example cluster is shown the Figure. This mass density serves to randomize the velocities of the cluster members as they assume some orbit about the center of the mass of the cluster. In fact, if our galaxy were located in a cluster, then measurements by Slipher and Hubble would have not so easily revealed universal expansion as some nearby galaxies would be moving towards us and some away from us since all the galaxies would be in this cluster. To detect universal expansion would have required observations of galaxies beyond the cluster and those galaxies would have been too faint to measure relative to the technology of the time.
If we simply measure the relative velocities of the galaxies we can infer the total mass of the cluster under the reasonable assumption that the cluster is gravitationally bound. A small complication enters in that one needs to know the exact shape of the cluster; a spherical cluster is different than one that is shaped like a pancake - but the general principal applies. That dynamical mass estimate can then be compared to the mass estimate based on counting the number of galaxies in the cluster and adding up all their light. When this is done, it is typically found that the luminous galaxies in the clusters can only provide 5-10% of the total mass required for the cluster to exist. Therfore, some form of dark matter pervades the cluster and provides most of the dynamical mass necessary to bind the cluster together, gravitationally. Similarly, the dark matter distribution in clusters of galaxies can manifest itself through the gravitational lensing mechanism first proposed by Einstein. Because light is contrained to follow the curvature of the Universe then it can get distorted by that curvature. Thus, galaxies who lie behind a cluster with a lot of dark matter will have their optical appearance distorted by that cluster into a series of arcs and arclets as easily shown in this Hubble Space Telescope image: ![]()
The orientation
and degree of curvature of these features depends upon the cluster
mass distribution and the overall amount of mass. Again, when the
mass is inferred in this manner and compared to the luminous galaxies
in the cluster, a substantial mass discrepancy exists. When this
evidence is combined with the velocity data, there is
little doubt that in clusters of galaxies, a substantial amount of
dark matter must be present.
Possible Kinds of Dark MatterIn considering the kinds of dark matter there are two broad possibilities. Normal dark matter is composed of baryons and is referred to as baryonic dark matter. An important feature concerning baryonic dark matter is that it wasn't necessarily always dark. A stellar mass black hole is the prime example as it once was a star radiating energy. Exotic dark matter would be non-baryonic in nature and is most probably in the form of some strange particle, hitherto undetected. If the mass of the Universe is in the form of a particle (like WIMPS) then that will not be directly detected through telescopic observation, but rather in some high energy accelerator experiment on the Earth (like the Large Hadron Collider).Some candidate forms of dark matter are listed below:
Structure Formation and the neccessity of CDMThe basic mechanism that we can understand for the formation of structure in the Universe is known as Gravitational Instability. Gravitational Instability works by a relatively simple principle - if there is some density enhancement in a matter field, then that density enhancement will sweep up material and continue to grow. The problem with this scenario occurs if there is no dark matter in the Universe. As discussed in Chapter 4, baryonic material in the Universe would be subject to strong radiation pressure and drag and would have a difficult time clumping. In fact, it's not clear if galaxy formation would even ever occur if only baryons exist. Hence, one of the best physical arguments for dark matter is the very existence of galaxies. Baryonic density fluctuations will likely not produce galaxies. To produce galaxies you need a heavy particle that is not effected by radiation pressure so it can clump and form density enhancements very early on (long before the epoch of decoupling). If this is correct, it means that galaxies are surrounded by dark matter halos which trapped baryonic gas (e.g. hydrogen) and turned it into stars. This also means that there should be some halos which didn't trap any baryonic material to eventually form a luminous galaxy and therefore should remain dark. Such dark galaxies have not yet been unambiguously detected, although there are candidates.The exact mechanism of how Gravitational Instability actually produced the complex patterns seen in galaxy clustering is unknown. This pattern of galaxy clustering is called large scale structure. When run inside a computer, a dark matter simulation of stucture formation among looks like the example below in which a rich network of filamentary structure is revealed. This provides good qualitative agreement with the actual galaxy distribution.
However, there are two basic ways to produce a highly clustered Universe. The first mechanism makes extremely large objects formed first. This is known as the top-down scenario. These large objects have the mass of several galaxy clusters. Subsequent fragmentation of these very large regions into smaller regions then produced the hierarchical pattern we see today- galaxies in clusters, clusters within superclusters, etc. At the opposite extreme is the scenario which argues that sub-galactic size masses formed first. This is known as the bottom-up scenario. After these sub-galactic masses are formed, subsequent gravitational coalescence produce galaxies, which in turn gravitationally coalesce to produce clusters of galaxies. ![]()
Both the top-down and bottom-up scenarios can produce the same kind of large scale structure in the Universe so, even though the physics is much different in these scenarios, observations of the nearby Universe and its associated patterns of galaxy clustering can't really tell us which one occurred. The main difference between these two scenarios is that, in the top-down one we would expect to see clusters of galaxies very early on in the Universe where as in the bottom-up scenario we would expect to see galaxies before we would see them arranged in clusters. Therefore, if we can look farther and farther back in time, we may be able to observationally map out the correct time sequence. |
Cosmological Inflation and Dark Matter
In the early days (1965-1975) of Big Bang cosmology, when there was little evidence for dark matter, the preferred model was a low density, baryon dominated Universe of age approximately 18 billion years. However, with the evidence presented above about the existence of dark matter, a fundamental alteration of this baryon-dominated cosmological model might be required. In addition, when looked at in detail, the Hot Big Bang model does not naturally predict some aspects of the large scale nature of the Universe. These predictive problems are enumerated below and can be ameliorated with a new twist on the physics of the very early Universe called inflation. This theory was first published in 1980 by Alan Guth (and others).
While Inflation is a very complicated physical theory its essence is simple: inflation posits that the Universe we observe today resulted form a strange phase in the very early (around 10-35 seconds) Universe in which a tiny domain seperated from the rest of the Universe through a process of exponential expansion. Other domains also inflated into what is known as The Multiverse but, as far as we can tell, physics does not leak from one domain in the Multiverse to others domains. Hence, our Universe is just one inflated domain which is governed by a particular set of physics. Another domain, for instance, might have different values for the physical constants. Who cares - we can't ever find out. Overall, an exponential increase in the radius of the Universe produces a much larger Universe in a much shorter period of time, than uniform expansion does. This helps to resolve some problems with the standard Big Bang model.
There are basically three problems that inflation solves and they are known as the Flatness, Horizon and Smoothness problems:
Derivation of Critical Density |
If we
consider a sphere of radius rs with
uniform density then its potential energy is
given by
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
So consider the Universe right after recombination (decoupling). If the Universe had strong positive curvature, meaning high mass density, it simply would have started to collapse then and no galaxies would have formed. If it had strong negatuve curvature (low mass density) then its unlikely that galaxies would have ever formed either. Hence, the conditions that
requires the actual density of the Universe to be very near the critical density. In that sense, the Universe is said to be fine tuned in that a specific value for the curvature of the present epoch are somehow imprinted on the initial conditions that determine the expansion.
Cosmological inflation makes a simple prediction that the Universe was born flat (and hence stays flat). This is because any initial curvature in the Universe was erased by the enormous expansion caused by inflation. Imagine taking a basketball and standing on its surface. That would hard since the surface is obviously curved. Now exponentially the basketball so that its radius increased by a factor of approximately 1050 in a few millionths of a second. Now, anywhere you stand on the surface of this very big basketball, is flat - ainitial curvature is rapidly "inflated" out by the enormous increase in surface area of the basketball so that the final area is flat to essentially one part in 1050. In this manner, the inflationary theory makes a definite prediction about the geometry of the Universe; space must be flat. We will observationally test for this later.
In the standard Big Bang model, this would require that the initial conditions of the Universe were homogeneous and that would be a very improbable state. Inflation, however, solves this cunundrum directly. The initial conditions of the Universe could have been very heterogeneous but in each small domain, which was homogeneous, there was an inflationary event. Our observable Universe is just one of many possible domains. You can think about this as follows: look around the environment in which you are reading this book. This environment is very heterogeneous. Now imagine taking a cubic micron of that environment and inflating it by a huge factor so that if fills space and becomes the Universe. There is a high probability that the cubic micron you picked to inflate was homogeneous, even though you picked it out from a very heterogeneous initial state. Thus, the inflationary paradigm directly predicts that the observable Universe will be homogeneous. Without inflation, a special condition would had to exist early on to produce the homogeneous CMB that we observe. Overall, this horizon problem is a pretty strong argument for the inflationary theory.
In sum, the inflationary paradigm, while operating via some unknown but clearly fundamental physics, provides some elegant solutions to the problems encountered in the standard Big Bang model which is baryon-mass dominated. However, when inflation is proposed in the 1980s, there is already a direct conflict with observations. In the absence of a dark energy term, to satisfy the energy constraint that the Universe by spatially flat, required that dark matter contributes 99% to the toal energy density of the Universe yet observations at the time consistenly showed the dark matter energy content could be no larger than 30%. Indeed, it is the very nature of galaxy clustering that allows for an actually test of the total mass density of the Universe.
Suppose you have a situation like that which is shown in the figure below:
Figure A test galaxy is sufficiently
near a cluster of galaxies so that's its expansion velocity (black
arrow) is retarded by an infall component (dashed arrow) due to the
gravity of the cluster. The amount of infall depends upon how much
mass density is contained in the cluster, the distance the test
galaxy is from the cluster, and the average mass density of the
Universe, represented by the non-clustered distribution of
"galaxies". In the case where the infall is larger than the expansion
the test galaxy will eventually fall into the cluster and become part of
that cluster.
Very strong observational confirmation that the large scale geometry of the Universe is indeed "flat" came in 1999-2000 due to a series of precision measurements on the CMB, that was beyond what could be provided by Cobe. Likely to be lost in the annals of history, the first experiment was done via a high altitude ballon measurement known as Boomerang. When its mission completed in January of 1999, Boomerang returned this data:
What is shown in the plot of above is a measurement of the size of the causal horizon, as an angular scale on the sky, at the time of recombination. Theory strongly predicts that if the Universe is flat, that angular scale would be approximately 1 degree on the sky (note the angular scale of the moon is 1/2 a degree). If the Universe were open, with a total energy density of 0.25-0.3, as the observations suggested, the angular horizon on the sky would be closer to two degrees. If the Universe were closed, and hence destined to collapse, that angular size would be closer to 1/2 a degree. The observed peak in the Boomerang data is clearly near 1, thus confirming inflation.
The Boomerang mission was not a long flight mission and therefore the data has substantial error bars. The WMAP mission of NASA has acquired 5 years of precision data on the CMB and will likely be remembered as the mission that observationally verified inflation but all it really did, in this context, was to improve upon the pre-existing results of Boomerang:
Dark Energy Lurks Among Us
While the case for dark energy can be made just on the strong basis that WMAP shows the universe to be flat and that there is clearly not enough dark matter to contribute to the 100% energy density needed to make the universe flat, it would be useful to find another indicator for the presence of dark energy. That indicator was also being developed in the late 1990s in the form of using Supernova as distance indicators to very distance galaxies. When this was done, it was disocvered that a small original sample of 16 distant supernova revealed that their observed brightnesses were 20-30% fainter than they should be. This implies that these supernova are 10-15% farther away than would be expected in a purely matter dominated Universe. The most likely explanation for these further than expected distances is that the Universe is bigger than we think it is due to the acceleartion caused by the presence of Dark Energy. This is shown in the figure below:
We get to reply - we don't know and neither do you! - and that's progress.