Astronomy 121 Final Homework Assignment

  1. In the simulation below (for question 3), you will be using the radial velocity, or doppler wobble, method of planetary detection. This technique has been used to date to discover the vast majority of extra solar planetary systems. However, other techniques also exist.

    For this question, please provide a summary of at least three of the other techniques used to discover extra solar planetary systems.

  2. Describe the design and goals of the eventual Terrestrial Planet Finder mission being developed by NASA.

  3. In the exercise linked below, you should try to detect and measure the doppler perturbation of virtual planets around virtual stars to try an ascertain the observing and detector requirements in order to see the full orbital period reflex motion of the host star.

    For each star you select, you are to try and find a solution of the system in terms of the mass of the orbiting planet and its separation from its host 1 solar mass star.

    You must make 3 measurements per star, depending on the Case detectors below. Thus, you should be reporting a total of 9 measurements. (Many of which won't yield a detection – you are to report on why no detection is available for that particular Case.)

    A successful detection means that the white line model fit, obtained by adjusting the mass and distance in the third step of the applet goes through the red data points. Note the gray bars around the red data points are observational error, which you can adjust.

    Detector plus Observing Conditions

    Within the simulation, you can set these 3 items.

    Okay open up the simulator

Your assignment is to now fit the other three stars, using the three combinations below, to either a) determine the model parameters or b) explain why the given system can't be detected in either Case I, II, or III.

Observing/Detector Cases

Case I:

  • Time Span= 10 years
  • Record Rate = 50
  • Error = 15
  • Case II:

  • Time Span = 4 years
  • Samples =20
  • Error = 7
  • Case III:

  • Time Span= 20 years
  • Record Rate = 80
  • Error = 3