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RTF Template to complete for this assignment
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This exercise is the same as the Interactive exercise #2 that is located in Module 2 Lecture D.
Set the temperature to 10,000 degrees.
To the right is an example screen shot for element AX showing the 4 spectral lines (wavelengths omitted) that you would need to match up with the periodic table of elements. The white line at the top labelled 4105/0 is what you slide up and down to measure the wavelengths of the 4 dark lines. Your response to this question should include
Enter the four wavelengths for AX and BX into the RTF template in the appropriate column as well as your choice for elements, from the Periodic Table, that best correspond to AX and BX.
Question 2:
Refer to the picture to the right of A, B and C to answer the posed question.
A) List all the possible values of photon energies that this atom can "emit" on its return to the ground state. | B) An incoming photon has energy = 9 units. What will happen to the photon and the electron? | C) An incoming photon has energy = 5 units. What will happen to the photon and the electron? |
Open the simulation. (FLASH based)
At the bottom is your detector, in this case 3 independent pixels. The eye above reflects the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The angle is the parallax angle. In order for a parallax to be detected, the Star has to move at least one independent pixel. In this default case, there is no detection - the star does not change pixels (the star is too far away and/or the resolution of the detector is too imprecise).
The course grid simulates measurements from the ground through our atmosphere.
The Fine Grid refers to measurements made from space.
Separation refers to distance from the Earth to the star; smaller values are larger distances.
b) Leaving the separation at that minimum value, click on Fine Grid. How many pixels (e.g. resolution elements) of movement is there in this case?
c) Explain why space based observations offer a much better way of detecting stellar parallax than can be done from the ground.
Question 4
Here we will make use of simulators (FLASH based) to work with issues of the inverse square low and noisy data.
Open up Case 1 simulator Clicking on the starfield will produce a point on the graph; mouseover the points on the graph to read out the X,Y position. Y represents the received flux on the detector and X is the distance to the star. When the plot appears there will already be some points on it - just ignore those. They are merely testing if the plot is working.