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This exercise refers to identifying elements AX and BX. You may use the measurement widget but do not "publish to global view". Just use that to record the wavelengths which you can then later put in your email document. To the right is an example screen shot for element AX showing the 4 spectral lines (wavelengths omitted) that you would need to match up with the periodic table of elements. The white line at the top labelled 4105/0 is what you slide up up and down to measure the wavelengths of the 4 dark lines. Your response to this question should include
We have a calibrating star - let's call this star Janelle.
Janelle has the following properties:
Well what do we know about star Example compared with our calibrating star Janelle:
There are four other stars in the sky whose luminosity or distance or energy flux we want to obtain using Janelle as the reference point via the same scaling argument I just went through:
Show all work/reasoning in answering these questions:
Star PoodleMania has a known distance of 50 light years and has a flux on our detector which is the same as Janelle (e.g. 4 energy units). What is the luminosity (in units of solar luminosities) of the star PoodleMania?
Star WhopperNoodle has a luminosity of 20 solar luminosities and a distance of 20 light years. What is the received energy flux on the detector?
Star PanCow has a luminosity of 1 solar luminosity and a distance of 1 lightyear. What is the received energy flux on the detector?
Refer to the left diagram and answer this series of questions:
b) If an incoming photon has energy = 9 units and the electron is in the ground state (as pictured), what will happen to the incoming photon and the electron?
c) if the electron is in the first excited state (e.g. energy level =5) and
in incoming photon of of energy = 5 units hits the atom, what will happen to that photon
and the electron?