The Hot Big Bang Theory
The Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background
Gamow's 1948 prediction would have to wait until 1965 before it
was verified and even then, the discovery was accidental. However,
this accidental discovery would later earn its discoverers'
(Penzias and Wilson) a Nobel prize. This is also an illustration
of the important role of chance in science. Often times true
advancement in any field arises from accidental discoveries.
Penzias and Wilson were scientists
working at Bell labs at the time, exploring the newly opened world
of Microwave communication. In order to determine the signal strength
that would be necessary for good communication, it was important
to measure the ambient background noise that the signal would have
to compete against. So a Microwave telescope was fashioned and
Penzias and Wilson set out to map out this noise. They immediately
noticed that no matter where the telescope was pointed, microwave
flux was received. Originally, they thought the source was terrestrial
in origin
but further observations showed that there wasn't any 24 hour
modulation of the signal. This lead to one only conclusion. Since
the flux density of microwave photons arriving at their millimeter
receiver was independent of position on the sky, the source had to
be cosmological in origin. More precise observations were later made
which showed that this background had a spectrum which was
consistent with that of a blackbody, as predicted earlier by
Gamow. This radiation is the Cosmic Microwave
Background or CMB.
Figure 2.5 Blackbody fit to the 42 spectral
data points obtained by the COBE satellite in 1990. The near perfect fit
to the data indicates that the background radiation is like that
of a blackbody, as predicted from simple thermodynamic arguments.
We thus have arrived at our second important cosmological observation -
namely, the Universe is filled with a photon background whose energy
today peaks in the Microwave part of the spectrum. In fact, the
exact wavelength peak of this emission is directly related to the
temperature, so if we can determine this peak we can determine
the temperature (this is known as Wien's Law). In 1989
In 1989
NASA launched the Cosmic Background Explorer or COBE. COBE made
very precise measurements of the background radiation. From
the COBE spectrum (e.g. Figure 2.5) we know that the background
temperature is 2.74 +/- 0.02 K. This is one of the most precise
cosmological measurements ever made and any cosmological model
must be able to predict the existence of this radiation and its
nearly perfect blackbody character.
The Hot Big Bang Model
On the basis of two fundamental observations,
1) the Universe is currently in a state
of uniform expansion and 2) the Universe is filled with photons,
we can construct our general cosmological model, which is known as
the Hot Big Bang model. While the details of this model will
be elucidated in the coming chapters, its synopsis is simple.
The Universe started, for reasons unknown to us, in a very hot
and dense state and has been expanding and cooling ever since.
While this model can explain several of the observed features
of the Universe, we will come to learn that it can't explain everything
and there may be serious challenges to it. However, the model is
only 30 years old so we should not expect it to be a complete
description of the Universe and in fact, should demand that its
capable of being modified based on new data.
What the model can explain in overall terms is the following:
- The Origin of the CMB: This is a simple consequence
of the Universe being filled with energy (photons) in its
past. The source of these photons is matter-anti-matter annihilation
which is explored in the next Chapter. Once this energy/photon
background is created, it cools with the expansion of the Universe
and produces the background observed today. The intensity of the
CMB corresponds to a space density of roughly 400 photons per cubic
centimeter. When compared to the space density of particles, say,
protons, one finds that for every particle of matter in the Universe,
there are approximately 1-5 billion photons. This is known as the
entropy of the Universe or the photon-to-baryon number.
Thus, the number of
photons in the Universe greatly exceeds the number of matter particles.
This will have important implications on how the Universe evolves.
- The Uniform Expansion of the Universe: By simple
extrapolation to very small times, the currently observed expansion law,
must produce a situation where all the matter is concentrated
into a small volume. At some point in this small volume, unknown physics
initiated the expansion which caused the background radiation to
continuously cool. Since the expansion has no preferred direction,
the Universe is isotropic. This helps to explain the remarkable uniformity
of the CMB - no matter where you look, you observe the same thing.
This is a strong indication that the Universe is homogeneous as well.
- The Abundance of Light Elements: This will be discussed
in detail in the next Chapter. For now we just note the following
generality: a hot dense early Universe would have gone through
a period of nucleosynthesis that produced the light elements like
Deuterium, helium, and Lithium. The overall cosmic abundance
of these elements is related to the relative matter and energy densities
and the temperature of the Universe at early times. From this,
predictions can be made on what this abundance is. The observed
helium abundance agrees with the prediction of the hot, dense
Universe model.
As we will discuss later, the major unknown in the Big Bang model
concerns the origin of galaxies and the development of the complex
large scale structures that galaxies are embedded in. To understand
this, we will have to appeal to the existence of dark matter.
The presence of dark matter is not necessarily a general feature
of Big Bang models and to account for it will require some modification
known as the Inflationary paradigm.
The Geometry of the Universe
General relativity established the relation between mass and space.
Mass causes a curvature in space time. The greater the mass, the
greater the curvature. We can visualize this in the following
figures which represent a 2D analog to the Universe.
In the top row of Figure 2.6 we have a thin 2D rubber sheet. There is
no mass embedded in the surface and the rubber sheet is therefore not
distorted and remains flat. In the middle row we see the effects
of placing a large mass on this rubber sheet. The large mass causes
the surface to deform creating curvature in otherwise flat space.
This curvature represents the gravitational potential well of that mass.
Imagine rolling a ball bearing on
this surface. If you gave the ball bearing insufficient energy
and it found its way into a potential well, it would not come
back out. It would stuck at the bottom of the well.
This, in essence, is how gravity can capture material
locally. Once mass is in a gravitational field (i.e. in a potential
well), it has a tendency to stay there unless it can acquire enough
energy to escape (climb out of the potential well)
In the bottom row
we see the effects of varying masses placed on the sheet. Each
mass causes an indentation which
represents its own gravitational potential well.
You can see that the depth of the indentation is
larger the more mass there is, indicating a higher degree of
curvature at this location in the Universe than is seen around the smaller
masses. Correspondingly,it would take even more energy
for a particle to climb out of that potential well.
If you imagine that you are
a particle moving on this surface you can imagine moving in and out
of different size potential wells. Between the wells space is
flat, but while inside a well, space is locally curved by an amount
directly proportional to the mass. Thus, the overall mass distribution
of the Universe determines its geometry. This geometery in turn specifies
the allowable pathways that matter and energy can take as they travel
through the Universe.
Since Mercury is so close to the sun it actually orbits in curves space
which causes its orbit to
this is one of the major observational tests
of Einstein's theory.

Figure 2.6: Mass and Curved Spacetime (see text)
In addition, the presence of matter in the Universe means that the
expansion is steadily slowing down as the combined gravitational
attraction of the matter acts to slow down the expansion.
In fact, if there is sufficient mass in the Universe, the expansion
will eventually slow down and cease, and the matter in the Universe
will then attract into what is colloquially known as
The Big Crunch. This condition is known as a closed Universe.
Conversely, if there is insufficient matter in the Universe then
the expansion will never stop, but merely slow down and asymptotically
approach zero. This condition is known as an open Universe.
As discussed in Chapter 4, our current estimates of the total mass
density in the Universe are uncertain by at least a factor of 10 and
so we do not know if the Universe is open or closed. While this
is of scientific interest, it also raises a philosophical question
which many consider to be profound. A closed Universe offers us
the possibility that the Universe can be reborn, expand and re-collapse
in an infinite number of cycles. We are simply now in one of those
cycles. The next cycle might produce a Universe with a different
set of physics that might or might not allow for the development
of intelligent life. In contrast, an open Universe has the dubious
distinction of happening only once and then expanding forever, never
to re-collapse and begin again. This naturally leads to the question
"What happened before the Universe" - a question that can't be
answered with our current knowledge.
Figure 2.7
Schematic representations of the possible geometries of
space time. These are two-dimensional analogs of curved space.
In positively curved space the sum of the angles of a projected
triangle on that surface is greater than 180 degrees while in
negatively curved space the sum is less than 180 degrees.
The large scale geometry of the Universe is different whether it's
open or closed. The possible geometries are shown in Figure 2.7.
In the case of the closed Universe, the curvature is positive,
much like a basketball. If one draws a triangle on that surface
the sum of the angles is greater than 180 degrees. In addition,
two light rays which are initially emitted in parallel will
eventually cross after they have traversed the curved surface.
In the case of
positive curvature, the surface is attached to itself and that
is the sense of the term "closed". This closed surface will
expand to some maximum radius before re-collapsing.
An open Universe has negative curvature,
which is represented by the saddle surface in Figure 2.7.
In this case, parallel light rays will diverge, the sum of the
angles of a triangle is less than 180 degrees and the surface
does not "connect" to itself. Thus, the surface just keeps
expanding and does not reach a maximum radius. The boundary
between the open and closed Universes is a special case called
a critical Universe in which space is perfectly flat on
large scales. We will later see that flat space is one of the
specific predictions of the inflationary theory for the origin
of Universal expansion in which case the Universe has a very
specific mass density.
- The development of the Cosmological Principle that asserts
the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic. This means that any physics
which acts locally acts the same way elsewhere in the Universe.
The understanding of the motion of double stars in terms of Newtonian
gravity served as empirical proof that the same physics that governed
the orbital mechanics in the Solar System also worked millions of
kilometers away.
- Einstein was able to explain the positional discrepancy of
Mercury by postulating that gravity was the manifestation of curved
spacetime. The more mass that can be accumulated in one position
in the Universe the greater the curvature of spacetime would be. The relation
between mass and spacetime forms the precepts of General Relativity.
- Einstein also showed, through the principle of equivalence,
that mass and energy are the same thing. The relation
E = mc2 shows
that photons have an energy related mass and thus are subject to
gravitational forces. In addition, the conversion of mass into
energy provides the explanation for the tremendous energy sources of
the stars. The principle of equivalence was also the result of
Einstein's demand that the speed of light, c is a
universal constant
that doesn't depend on the motion of the source emitting the light.
This is a requirement if causality is to be present in the Universe.
- Einstein thought the Universe was static but realized that
some presence must exist to prevent it from collapsing. Out of this
realization he formed the Cosmological Constant, a vacuum energy field
that exactly balanced the gravitational attraction of all the mass
in the Universe. When the Universe was later discovered to be expanding,
Einstein called the development of the Cosmological Constant his
"biggest blunder".
- Over the period 1914 -- 1929, observations of galaxies revealed
systematic redshifts. By 1929 Hubble used these observations to demonstrate
that the Universe was expanding in a uniform fashion. This lead to
the Hubble expansion law:
Vr = HoD
is the expansion rate
of the Universe and Ho-1
specifies the expansion age.
- The discovery of the expansion of the Universe meant that in
the past the Universe was a very dense place as all the matter must
have been together. Equating the expanding Universe to an expanding
bubble of gas, physicists postulated that the Universe could be filled
with radiation, whose pattern was that of a blackbody radiator, whose
average temperature was decreasing with the expansion.
- The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
in 1965 confirmed the existence of this radiation field. The ratio
of observed CMB photons to matter was about one billion to one.
This implies that the Universe was also a very hot place at early times.
- These two observations lead to the development of the Hot
Big Bang model. That model explains three crucial observations:
1) the existence of the CMB, 2) the uniform expansion of the Universe
and 3) the abundance of light elements in the Universe (principally
- Under the assumption of large scale isotropy and homogeneity,
a geometric model of the Universe can be specified. This model
has three parameters: 1) the expansion rate Ho, 2) the matter
density W, and 3) the vacuum energy field
Under this model the universe is either open (expands forever) or
closed (expands to some maximum radius and then collapses).