Astronomy 123: Second Homework Assignment

  1. Briefly outline the procedure/experiment that Penzias And Wilson used to discover (accidentally) the Microwave Background.

  2. What was the COBE mission of NASA and what were its main results? What is the WMAP mission and how has it improved upon the COBE results?

  3. Give a qualitative overview on the concept of Quantum Gravity and why that is relevant to understanding cosmology.

  4. Explain how the currently observed density of deuterium is a sensitive probe of the baryon density of the early Universe.

  5. Suppose that I take a spectrum of two galaxies.

    • In Galaxy 1 I observe that the hydrogen line has a wavelength of 7220 angstroms
    • In Galaxy 2 I observe the hydrogen line has a wavelength of 6556 angstroms.

      I know from laboratory measurements that the rest wavelength of this hydrogen line is 6563 angstroms.

      Given this data, compute the redshift and radial velocity of galaxies 1 and 2.

      This Tutorial might help.