Astronomy 123: Second Homework Assignment
- How did Einstein's new theory help to resolve the dilemma posed
by discovering that the orbit of Mercury did not conform to Newton's
- Summarize the Shapley-Curtis debate and its implications on the
overall size of our Galaxy and the size of the Universe.
- Briefly outline the procedure/experiment that Penzias And Wilson
used to discover (accidentally) the Microwave Background
- What was the COBE mission of NASA and what were its main results?
What is the WMAP mission and how has it improved upon the COBE results?
- Explain how the currently observed density of deuterium is a sensitive probe
of the baryon density of the early Universe.
- Give a qualitative overview on the concept of Quantum Gravity
and why that is relevant to understanding cosmology (you will have to
consult outside sources for this one)