Due Wednesday Feb 5 by 10 pm Please use the The Homework Submission Form to upload your assignment. Please upload either a Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF document. Here you will be using Hubble's original sample of galaxies from which he concluded that the Universe was expanding. Instructions: Summarize the Shapley-Curtis debate and its implications on the overall size of our Galaxy and the size of the Universe. What kinds of evidence did Shapely use to promote his basic premise that our Galaxy was in fact, the entire Universe? Describe the procedure/experiment that Penzias And Wilson used to discover (accidentally) the Microwave Background. Google on "Andrew Mckellar Microwave Background". McKellar actually detected the MWB in (1941!) but did not realize it. Speculate why you think he was unable to put his data together to claim initial discovery. Explain why in any uniformly expanding Universe, every observer would think that they are at the center of the expansion. Google on the term "quantum gravity" and describe what physicists think this is and why it may be applicable to the very early Universe.
Please use the The Homework Submission Form to upload your assignment. Please upload either a Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF document.