Astronomy 123: Third Homework Assignment

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  1. Suppose that I take a spectrum of two galaxies and I am searching for an Oxygen emission line whose REST wavelength is 3727 Angstroms.

    • In Galaxy 1 I observe that the Oxygen line occurs at a wavelength of 5605 Angstroms. From that, compute the radial velocity of the galaxy.
    • In Galaxy 2 I observe this Oxygen line at a wavelength of 3720 Angstroms. Compute the radial velocity of Galaxy 2.

  2. Many scientists believe that Cosmological WIMPS (weakly interacting massive particle) are the source of dark matter in the Universe. Research and report on at least two ways that WIMPS can possibly be experimentally detected.

  3. Explain how elements like gold and Uranium are created during Supernova events and how that material might eventually end up incorporated into a planet, like, say, Earth.

  4. Explain how, as a consequence of their formation, dense clusters of galaxies generally have high amounts of X-ray emission.

  5. Do some research on the concept of "Modified Newtonian Dynamics" or MOND. Discuss the basic idea of MOND and state whether or not you think its a credible alternative to the need for Dark Matter, which we still have not yet detected.