Astronomy 123 Last Homework Assignment

Due Friday Dec 1 by 10 pm

  1. In the class notes we make use of the Drake equation as providing a statistical estimate of the number of civilizations that might currently exist in our Galaxy and are capable of communication. Recently, however, some scientists have argued that the Drake equation is an inaccurate description. This new theory is known as the "Rare Earth Theory" (by Ward and Brownless). Do some reserach on this new theory and identify what the key components of this theory are that suggests planets like the Earth are much rarer than we think they are.

  2. Consider our galaxy to be a very thin circular disk of stars of radius approximately 40,000 light years. If there are currently 1000 civilizations contained within this circle, determine the average separation between each civilization and show your work.

  3. Well, it finally happened. You were engaged in your usual habit of spending 80 hours per week refining your Facebook pages and generally inflating your accomplishments and interests will trying to figure out exactly how to tag your latest image. While you were sitting in front of your screen, you suddently received a SPAM message that said:

      Warning, Warning, Warning - the world will end in about 60 minutes; The only thing that will survive as a record of humanity will be your Facebook page. Furthermore, in the interest of brevity, only the top 1/2 of your facebook page will be archived in order to avoid the impression that humanity is incredibly redundant.

    Message signed:

    The Vogon Construction Fleet (Google them to make sure the message is authentic).

    Well, just in the oft chance that the Vogon Construction Fleet is real, you need to make your contribution.

    So, given that you are restricted to 1/2 a facebook page, what set of words or images or music would you choose to represent humanity and our collective presence on planet Earth. Be Creative. This question is designed to get you to think about the collective behavior of humanity on this planet and how you would represent that.

    Submit an Image of that "pretend" facebook page and submit that for your question response. If you're not on facebook just use something else to create your repsonse


    Via any social mobility platform that you use, contact your digitial friends with the following poll to respond to, and make sure you include the preface.

    The preface:

      "As the century turned, Africa began to emerge from a Dark Age stretching as far back as life on earth, into all the years that lay ahead - years of Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industry, and, if you will, Anxiety. It is fitting that Grogan made his symbolic trek (across Africa - 1891-92) as a survey for a railroad, the means through which foreign capital, the paraphernalia of technology, and foreigners themselves would enter. But because an incision is also a wound, the railroad was also the means through which the old life suppurated and poured out of Africa. This, then, is the tragic paradox of the white man's encroachment. The deeper he went into Africa, the faster the life flowed out of it, off the plains and out of the bush and into the cities, vanishing in acres of trophies and hides and carcasses. The coming of the white man, who imposed his steel tracks, his brains and his will, on the great continent was attended by glory and courage, ennobled by sacrifice, enriched by science and medicine and law. But it marked the beginning of the end in a land where nature herself had always been sovereign: at once sickness and cure, crime and punishment, beginning and end. Not the least of the signs of decay and dying was the gradual, remorseless end of the wild Game."

    --From the End of the Game by Peter Beard

    The Poll:

    • You should get responses from at least 10 individuals.
    • You will ask your friends to indicate the three things that they most strongly agree

    The Human is innately (innate means culturally invariant):

    1. Territorial
    2. Competitive
    3. Greedy
    4. Aarogant
    5. Benevolent
    6. Judgemental
    7. Selfish
    8. Moral/Ethical
    9. Insecure
    10. Immoral
    11. Lazy

    The question:

    Based on the responses you got from your circle of friends summarize what you think the relationship between humans and nature must be and whether or not that relationship has played out in the real world. Your generation is all about "sustainability" - based on your responses do you think that humans have the right characterstics to foster sustainability? If so, what are those characteristics, if not, how do you instill the needed characterstics?