Physics 155: First Homework Assignment


Here are the questions:

  1. Reseach and describe the overall nature/architechture of the the world's first version of the internet, called BITNET, and what its limitations where.

  2. Who was Who in the Development of the Internet?

    Following is a list of names of people that were prominent in the development of the Internet. Much information about these people is available ON line. For each person listed below, explain their basic contribution to the development of internet and the time period in which this work was done. That is, don't use cut and paste what they did historically but also link that in to why their work was important in the development of the internet and what breakthroughs they achieved.

    Based on this information, which single person do you think (justify your choice) should be credited as being the most important in the development of the Internet as a functioning entity.

    The Players (in random order) (some may be obscure):

    1. Ray Tomlinson
    2. Tim Berners-Lee
    3. Leonard Kleinrock
    4. Robert (Bob) Metcalfe
    5. Marc Andreessen
    6. Robert Kahn
    7. Dr. J. Licklider
    8. Jon Postel
    9. Peter Deutsch
    10. Vinton Cerf

  3. Finally, explain how the quote below provides an interesting early vision of the Internet.
                                    "By means of electricity, the world of
                                    matter has become a great nerve,
                                    vibrating thousands of miles in a
                                    breathless point of time ... The round
                                    globe is a vast ... brain, instinct with