Physics 162 First Homework Assignment
- In the lecture pages its stated that the world's oil supply will essentially run out in the next 50 years. Find some information that would either support or refute that argument and make your judgement on which is most correct. In addition, critically discuss whether the extant data supports the idea that we are now at "Peak Oil" in terms of our ability to distribute oil resources over the planet.
- Do some research and determine approximately how many gasoline powered
vehicles there are in the United States as well as the average number of
vehicle miles travelled (per vehicle) annually. If the average fuel efficiency
of these vehicles is 20 mpg what is the annual total number of gallons
of gas consumed in the United States? If fuel economy remains constant,
but the average number of vehicle miles increases by 3% per year, how
many gallons of gas will be required annually in the year 2035?
The image to the right shows the components
that go into determining the price of gas - price of crude oil, taxes, refining costs
and profits, distribution and marketing (the last two essentially are profits for the
industry). Starting in the year 2000, research how these components are changing on
a yearly basis and determine also if the profit margin (in terms of the percentage)
is increasing with time.
- Find some information on the worldwide production of Liquified Natural Gas.
(LNG). How many LNG import facilities are there in the United States and where
are they located? What are the United State's plans with regard to expanding
these facilities and what is some of the opposition to that expansion?
Also describe what just occurred in Bradwood Oregon.