Go get the real weekly gas consumption data .
From the data here answer the following questions (and show your process)
b) What percentage reduction was there in 2008--2009 compared to 2005-2007?
c) Typically summer time driving dominates seasonal driving patterns. As you just did for the annual comparison, do the same for summer driving season (June through September) for the periods 2005 -- 2007 compred to 2008 -- 2009.
d) Find what the average price of gasoline was in 2005 (try looking at gasbuddy.com).
e) From this information, comment on the sensitivity of American driving habits to the price of gasoline.
b) where that oil is located and whether it can be really extracted in a cost-effective manner
c) if extracted, how many years might it take to get to market (e.g. to your gasoline pump!)
b) solar sterling engines.
Do some research on how these devices work and what current and potential future power plant projects will incorporate these technologies.