Physics 162 Fourth Homework Assignment
- The American Wind Energy Association
maintains up to date web information on current and future planned wind
energy usage in each individual state in the US. Research and report on
the top 3 Wind producing states in the United States - how much electricity
is currently generated and how many individual wind farms are there? What
is the cost of this electricity to the consumer?
- Using that resource and others, determine the future plans
for expanding wind capacity in Washington and Oregon? As of 2010, what is the approximate
total percentage of nameplate capacity Wind generated electricity in Washington
and Oregon compared to
all sources of electricity generation in those states. State profiles
can be found here
- Research and report on the Geothermal capacity of the Pacific
Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana). Identify any current
or planned projects that are underway. Also, research the performance
of the Geysers project Geothermal plant in California and explain why
it is losing capacity over time.
- Research and report on the total power requirements in the Pacific Northwest (in units of MegaWatts). How much of that power is currently
in the form of hydroelectricity. Given what you found for questions 2
and 3, do you think its feasible to remove these dams and replace that
power with either wind or geothermal?