Energy From the Oceans II
Ocean Power also comes in 3 other forms:
- Wave Energy
- Tidal Energy
- Current Flow Energy
The ocean is a huge reservoir for storing the energy of the
sun that is incident on the earth. How huge is huge?
Incident flux on ocean surface area is 1017 Watts or
100000 Terrawatts
The planet is currently a
10 TW planet.
Major currents are shaped by:
- Temperature differences (driven mostly by tilt of earth's axis)
- Prevailing wind patterns interacting with the surface waters
(again driven mostly by tilt of earth's axis)
- the rotation of the earth
the Coriolis Force
- shorelines of continental masses
Tapping the Current for Energy:
- Gulf current has 1000 times the flow of the Mississippi
- Current averages about 5 mph
- Density of water is higher as well
- Its always there - no intermittency problem
no need for energy
- Build Turbines for underwater use
- Anchor a foundation to the ocean floor
- hundreds of miles long rigged with turbines
- cables on ocean floor to shore deliver the electricity
- An engineering challenge but there are few bad side effects
from producing energy this way
- Obviously the capital costs are huge in this case but this
does represent a Large Scale Solution
Wave Energy From the Oceans:

Tidal Energy from the Ocean

Extracts energy from the kinetic energy of the earth-moon-sun
Variations in water level along coastlines can be used to drive
technology is the same as low-head hydro power
Vertical tides on US coast range from 2 feet in Florida to more
than 18 feet in Maine
To enhance efficiency of turbines driven by tidal currents, it
is desireable to build a damlike structure across the mouth
of a tidal basin in order to direct the flow to a turbine
Turbines designed for work at both high and low tide (inflow
or outflow)
Intermittent tidal flow is major problem. Tidal facility produces
about 1/3 the electrical energy of a hydro facility of the same
peak capacity
Two tidal plants in the world:
- 1 MW facility on the White Sea in Russia (1969)
- 240-MW on the Rance River, St. Malo France (1967)
has 750 meter long dike to impound tides that can be as high
as 13 meters (!)
Proposed New Facilities:
Potential Sites in the US
- Alaska (
Cook Inlet)
- Bay of Funday (US-Canadian Border; NE Coast of US)
most favorable site in the World
would produce about
30,000 MW in total (1/2 for the US)

Tidal difference in Bay of Fundy

- A 1 MW demonstration plant has been built here - near Annapolis, Nova
- Locally (New England) this is a potential important
source of power but on national scale is just a few percent
of our (insatiable) need for power
Bottom Line: There aren't many favorable sites in the world for
tidal power and the estimated capacity is 50 times smaller than the
world's hydroelectric power capacity.