FWDWtJcChm8NActions for button (all_symbols_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); // _root.handleDrop(this, _root.water_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } 8N8NI8Na8Nu8N8N8N8N 8N Actions for [No instance name assigned] (Button) onClipEvent (construct) { icon=""; label="Publish To Global View"; labelPlacement="right"; selected=(false); toggle=(false); enabled=(true); visible=(true); minHeight=(0); minWidth=(0); } >FU{    ,iActions for [No instance name assigned] (medium)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.medium_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } ,iB,i},i,i,i,i,i@,i A,i h,i "Actions for [No instance name assigned] (water_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.water_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } """2"F"}""؏" ُ" " @Actions for [No instance name assigned] (side_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.side_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } @}@}@}@}@$~@H~@~~@ ~@ ~@ ~"TActions for [No instance name assigned] (up_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.up_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } "TJ"T}"T"T"T"T"T8"T 9"T `"T x;Actions for [No instance name assigned] (alive_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.life_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } ;;(;@;T;;;; ; ; % Actions for [No instance name assigned] (moon_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.moon_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; }  9 l   φ  ) * Q isActions for [No instance name assigned] (down_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.down_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } s{s|s|s1|sh|s|s|s |s |s }Actions for [No instance name assigned] (medium_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.medium_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } Ko  σ "Actions for [No instance name assigned] (wood_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.wood_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } "s"""ҋ" "-"c" d" " VActions for [No instance name assigned] (air_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.air_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } V/VbVzVVōVVV V FV ^~Actions for [No instance name assigned] (big_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.big_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } ~~0~H~\~~~~ ~ ~ ,MActions for [No instance name assigned] (small_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.small_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } MyMMĄM؄MM3MjM kM M ]nActions for Scene 1: Frame 1 of Layer Name actions_root.zDepth = 10000; _root.water_type = 2; _root.wood_type = 3; _root.rock_type = 4; _root.air_type = 5; _root.life_type = 6; _root.moon_type = 7; _root.small_type = 8; _root.medium_type = 9; _root.big_type = 10; _root.up_type = 11; _root.down_type = 12; _root.side_type = 13; _root.test.skin.gotoAndStop(1); //_root.test.button._alpha = 0; //_root.skin.gotoAndStop(1); var hot_spots = new Array(); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_0); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_1); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_2); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_3); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_4); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_5); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_6); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_7); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_8); hot_spots.push(_root.hot_spot_9); function handleDrop(icon, type) { for (var area in hot_spots) { if (hot_spots[area].hitTest(_root._xMouse, _root._yMouse)) { //trace("type " + type); //_root.skin.gotoAndStop(type); _root.test.skin.gotoAndStop(type); break; } } }]n"]n#]n&]n'C]nX]nl]n]n]n]n]n]n ]n ]n ]n ]n 4]nH]n\]n]n]n]n]n]n!]nB]nc]n]n]n\Actions for [No instance name assigned] (stone_button)on (press) { anchorX = _x; anchorY = _y; this.swapDepths(++_root.zDepth); startDrag(this); } on (release, releaseOutside) { stopDrag(); _root.handleDrop(this, _root.rock_type); _x = anchorX; _y = anchorY; } \\\\\J\n\\ \ ̊\