ASTR 321 Third Homework Assignment

1. The ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 eV.

2. Find the effective temperature and luminosity of a main sequence 06 star.

3. Using a simple conservation of energy argument involving the kinetic energy of a particle compared to the potential energy of the universe, show that the critical density of the Universe can be expressed as:

4. For a point mass object, show that the circular velocity of an orbit about that point mass declines as R-1/2 where R is the orbital radius.

5. Our sun is located at a distance of 8 kiloparsecs from the center of the Galaxy and has an orbital velocity of 220 km/sec. Compute the orbital period of the sun around the galaxy as well as the mass of the galaxy enclosed within the orbit of the sun. Suppose we observe a star located at a distance of 80 kpc fomr the center of the Galaxy and it too has an orbital velocity of 220 km/s. Compute the mass of the galaxy based on that orbit and comment on whether or not a problem has arisen.

6. For a value of H = 75 km/s per Mpc, numerically calculate the critical density of the Universe in units of grams per cc. Compare that density to the density of a typical galaxy which as mass of 1012 solar masses and a radius of 50 kiloparsecs (assume the galaxy is spherical).