ENVS 350 Fourth Homework Assignment

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This assigment is due by midnight, Thursday March 12

Finding 16,000 MW of Renewable Energy for Oregon.

Some resources:

In this assignment you are asked to come up with an energy plan for the state of Oregon that will produce 16,000 MW of new, sustainable energy. You may choose any kind of plan you want and any kind of technology. You can try to construct a single facility rated at 16,000 MW or a network of different facilities; however, each node on that network must be at least 2000 MW.

Do not worry about the problem of transmission for this assignment. You goal is to use the available yields (detailed in some of the atlas links) convolved with reliability factors and other stuff you have learned in this class to produce a facilities plan. You can factor in energy storage technologies if you like.

Do not worry about costs either.

Elements of your plan need to include the following:

  1. A description of the kind of facilities that need to be constructed, the unit capacity of the device that your using in your array of devices (e.g. 1.5 MW turbine, 100 KW solar array, 500 KW OWC, etc), where they are located, and the amount of power that it can generate on a 24x7 basis.

  2. An outline of the area of the facilities on Google Earth images (this is easy to do). You may need to do this on a couple of different spatial scales.

  3. A statement to convince the people in the surrounding population areas that this facility should be built and it won't detract from their "view" of the world.