Energy Deregulation

In principle, deregulation means the customer chooses their energy provider.

Real life, however, is never simple. Critics of deregulation say that treating energy like just another product on the marketplace is morally reprehensible.

Legislatures and the public utility commissions of many states have opened retail competition for electricity supply. The measures allow consumers of electricity to choose their supplier of electricity, (generation), while the delivery of the power, (transmission and distribution), will still be the responsibility of the incumbent, (regulated), power company.

What potential problems might this cause?

Currently 30 of the lower 48 states have some form of energy deregulation. be part of your energy portfolio (see the phase II assignment). However, there is some serious differences from state to state. Moreover, most states are not energy self-sufficient and therefore rely on regional power partnerships in order to distribute sufficient energy/electricity to its citizens. Therefore, coordinated oversite is required, else deregulation can be easily as Enron did.

Can we do coordinated oversite in the US?

California: An Example of What not to Do

Everything that could go wrong, did ...

Let's start taking a snapshot view of California's sources of energy:

2004 Gross System Electricity Production

Good Example of Demand/Supply analysis

Let's start with Devestiture