Electricity is an apparent force in nature that exists whenever there is a net electrical charge between any two objects.

Basics of Electrostatics:

Properties of Electricity:


Is there a relation between I, V, and R ? Let's do an experiment:

In the above circuit there is a battery (V), some resistors (R), and a light bulb that can only be activated if the right number of amps reach it. We can control this buy putting the right resistance in the circuit for a given battery Voltage.

Experimental results then lead to Ohms law:

V = R * I

This is a linear relation. If you double the voltage (V) then for the same value of R you get twice the current. If you want to keep the current the same value after doubling V, you would have to double the resistance (R).


Your electricity bill essentially measures the amount of current that you use but you use this current to Power the toaster.

Power = V * I

So the toaster has a power of 120x8 = 960 Watts.

If you leave your toaster on for one hour, than that would also be approximately 1 KWH (960 watt-hours if you want to be exact).