ENVS 350 First Homework Assignment

Please use the Homework Submission Form to upload your assignment.

This assigment is due by 8 pm, Friday April 15

You may collaborate with 1 other student to do this assignment, just make sure both your names are included in the uploaded filename.

  1. In 2009, the US produced electrical power at the scale of 1.25 terrawatts. Calculate the per capita electrical power in the US (this is equivalent to the amount of generated power required per individual at any given time) in units of kilowatts (KW).

  2. Energy = power x time; Power is measured in units of watts (kilowatts, megawatts, gigawatts, terrawatts) and is instananeous. Power used over time is energy. Based on your calculation in question 1, and assuming an average energy cost of 9 cents per KWH, what is the monthly baseline per capita electricity cost to a US citizen for this produced power.

  3. Constructing a regional energy portfolio: