ENVS 350: Secon Homework Assignment

Please use the Homework Submission Form to upload your assignment.

This assigment is due by midnight, Tuesday February 13

Your allowed to work on this assignment with 2 others (team size = 3), if you wish, on this assignment.

  1. William Cronon's essay "The Trouble with Wilderness" was first published in 1995. It caused immediate negative reactions in the environmental community which continue until this day, yet some would argue that Cronon's essay in fact, defines what environmentalism should be. Using the link below, please read this essay and write a one page synopsis on what you think the main points are. Argue also whether or not this document is pro or anti- environmentalist.

    Note also: when you google on this, you can find lots of criticisms of Cronon's essay - you are certainly allowed to use that as source material but don't cut and paste.

    Link to Essay

  2. Do some research on hydrogen fuel cells. Explain their basic operation and their feasibility and their potential commerical, residential and transportation applications. Also report on some of the methods that are currently used to produce hydrogen.

  3. Research and report on some of the current practical and technical problems associated with the storage of hydrogen as well as ON board storage in the case of vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells. In your estimation, how practical or impractical do you think Hydrogen vehicles are.