Hydroelectric Power

Power Generation:

Disadvantages to power plants that use coal, oil, and gas fuel:

Advantages to hydroelectric power:

However, since hydropower requires significant river flow, it becomes a regional solution, not a national one.

Some Example Large Scale Projects:

Last time we discussed the evolution of Hydro construction in the state of Washington and identified three major period/trends:

Pacific Northwest has 58 hydroelectric dams 63% of total electricity generated.

The PNW Hydroelectric System:

Much of this regional resource is managed by The Bonneville Power Administration

But note that the resource has high seasonal variance (and now high annual variance due to variable snowpack)

And this whole situation is excarbated by the large scale western drought

Although it is unlikely that any future dams will be built (for a variety of reasons) it is nonetheless useful to assess the regional undeveloped hydroresource that is potentially available:

The averages from several studies yield the following:

So that's a total of 45,000 MW is it possible to use other regional renewable resources to also get 45,000 MW of power? We will examine this issue later.