Energy Infrastructure Issues

Simple Version
Schematic of Basic Energy Production and Delivery:

What it reallhy looks like:

Most all of this infrastructure is Privately Owned

Investor Owned Service Areas in Blue:

early 1900s designated Power Administration Areas for 34 states.

Post WW II Regulatory sectors

The Regulatory Map:

The Control Points to the overall Grid:

And so this is how the simple is made complex.

As a result, the entire system is now prone to congestion problems:

The main problem stems from a growing inequity in individual states use of electricty and either their need for imports (due to lack of generating facilities) or their ability to export (due to over capacity).

Example 2006 Snapshot of the System

But percentages don't matter as much as actual megawatt hours of electricty flow:

Clearly, powering California is a problem. West Virginia basically exports to Virginia (which is why they should be 1 state).

Note that the combined exports of California's neighbors (WA,OR,AZ,NV) are only 34 million of the required 68 million MWHs this means long transmission haul electricity is needed to keep CA powered.