ENVS 350 First Homework Assignment

Please use the Homework Submission Form to upload your assignment.

This assigment is due by 8 pm, Friday April 17

Your submission should be in the form a single document - (word or PDF) and not multiple documents. Do NOT submit an excel spreadsheet. If you use excel then import the relevant parts into a word document.

You may collaborate with 2 up to other students to do this assignment, just make sure all your names are included in the uploaded filename. Show all your work, always.

Part of assignment is to help you familiarize yourself with various units and capacities that are part of energy literacy.


is a very useful tool

  1. In this class, energy will generally be given in units of Kilowatt Hours (KWHs) and power will be in units of MegaWatts (MW). Using the online energy converter linked above, do the following conversions:

  2. A terrawatt (TW) = 1012 watts of power. The terrawatt scale is what is relevant to the US and the world.

  3. In 2010, the US produced electrical power at the scale of 1.35 terrawatts (this is continuous power).

  4. The State of Oregon's Electricity Profile:

    Access the Excel Spreadsheet for Oregon All values in this table are in units of Megawatts (MW)

  5. This data exercise makes use of This Database.

    An editorial in your student newspaper claims that US foreign policy has been oriented towards protecting US interests in the Middle East for the last 30 years because "almost all of our imported oil comes from the Middle East - everyone knows this".

    Using the database above:

    a) Average the decade of the 80's , 90's, 00's and 2011--2014 of Annual input (units of thousand barrels a day) for two groups of countries:

    and report those averages here.

    b) Using this This tool - plot the data you just got and make a screen shot of that and insert it into your answer document.

    c) How does the Group B to Group A ratio change as a function of decade? What is that ratio currently?

    d) Write a 150 word rebuttal letter to the Editor of your student newspaper