Wind Energy:
In simple terms, a
wind turbine consists of a rotor that
has wing shaped blades attached to a
hub; a nacelle that houses a drivetrain
consisting of a gearbox, connecting
shafts, support bearings, the generator,
plus other machinery; a tower; and
ground-mounted electrical equipment.
Different vendors make different parts.
Material required in the supply chain:
Some Observations:
8 x 1.5 MW x 365 = 4400 MW per year (or a coal fired nameplate capacity replacement time of 100 years)
35% average growth is impressive but ultimately requires commensurate growth in all supply chain sectors.
Bottom line here is that Wind energy is driven by a materials supply chain which
ultimately involves individual manufacturing sites and component integration.
A similar material supply chain is involved with the Concentrated Solar Troughs but
the supply chain for PV cells is much different and involves a chemical component (associated
with general semiconductor processing.
But what is plotted here are Peak MW of production (i.e. when the sun is overhead and its clear). Need to divide this by a factor of 3 for daily.
So Global production is then expected to be equivalent to
6000 MW by 2012. 6000 puny MW per year.
This is nothing. Solar PV would have to ramp up by a factor
of 10 globally to actually start having a real impact.
Current China is the main driver in PV growth.
Ultimately this leads to the important concept of Energy Payback Time.
This is the timescale over which the total supply chain energy of manufacturing is paid back by harvested energy from the device. This is a difficult calcuation to make but as it stands now.
But, the energy payback times of concentrating solar power systems (e.g. solar troughs) is comparable to wind energy (5-8 months) because that technology has a similiar material supply chain it just doesn't have the land use scalability of wind.
US energy policy should therefore to be build wind farms where its windy and solar trough farms where it is sunny.
Duh ...