Global Warming: A Problem or Not?
Other Smoking Guns?
Produces a new ecosystem
And a new collapse landscape:
Okay let's Melt the Polar Ice:
Today we will run a simulator under many conditions to assess the sensitivity of global warming predictions to climate model parameters, population growth, and continued world economic development. You will then publish your various model parameters to frame the discussion. The simulator has many different things to adjust and we can literally run hundreds of models (Beware the wicked witch ...)
Explanation of Simulation and Simulator Parameters:
We begin in the year 1900 with initial CO2 of 280 ppm, initial world population of 1.5 billion, and initial CH4 concentration of 20 ppm in equivalent CO2 units (we assume the global warming potential of one methane molecule to be 21 times that of one carbon dioxide molecule). This standard scenario will correctly reproduce the observations at the year 2000. From there we extrapolate to the future.
Our goal is to adjust various parameters, under various assumptions, to determine which models melt the world's polar caps and which don't. We will then discuss the reality of our assumptions based on the model results.
Each time step of the model is 30 years and is activated by the "Take One Step Forward" button. You can read the data points off of any of the curve by mouseover on that curve.
Adjustable Parameters:
Note that mechanically, we can shut off the CO2 channel my making the value for CO2V to be negative
After you run a model and product a result, simply click on the publish to global view button. We can then compare results on a model by model basis.