The Poisson Distribution

The probability that there are x occurences of an event (where x is a non-negative integer is given by)

λ is often a rate per unit time, distance, or area. This is a discrete distribution based on counting events. Note as you tend towards large λ (i.e. long times) this distribution becomes like a normal distribution.


if the events occur on average every 4 minutes, and you are interested in the number of events occurring in a 10 minute interval, you would use as model a Poisson distribution with &lambda= 2.5. (e.g. 10/4 total time window divided by average arrival rate)

In a Poisson distribution:

Ignoring the multi day calculus proof of this:

This distribution arises as a consequence of the summation of many rare events.

Examples of environmentally related events governed by this distribution:

Some important assumptions

Example: The following animation shows the probability distribution of events as a function of λ (shown in upper right hand corner) you can see as λ increases the probability distribution evolves from being skewed to being normal.

Anoter Example: