Since numerical examples are often useful to show various scalings let's do another one:

The first law of Thermodynamics can be expressed in many forms. If we work in units of specific volume (α) we can express the first law as:

Where J represents what is called the DIABATIC heating rate in units of Joules kg -1 s-1.

Dividing through by dt and rearranging terms yields:

Now we divide through by cp and use the ideal gas law in the form p = αRT and then define ω = dp/dt we get

which is known as the Thermodynamic Energy Equation

The first term in this equation is the rate of change of temperature due to adiabatic expansion or compression.

The second term represents the effects of DIABATIC heat sources and sinks. These include

  • Absorption of short wavelength incoming solar radiation
  • Absorption and/or emission of long wavelength radiation
  • latent heat release
  • heat absorbed or liberated in chemical reactions (this is the source of heating in the ozone layer)
  • Exchange of mass with the Environment through convection and turbulence.

Observationally we know that the second term is less than 1 degree per day. This is just a statement that on large scales, the various heat exchange mechanisms are pretty much in equilibrium.

In turn, this means that the primary heating of a parcel of air is the result of its vertical motion.

We can estimate the magnitude of the first term as follows:

  • At mid-latitude a typical parcel of air located in the middle of the toposhere (500 mb level) well have an average vertical displacement of about 100 mb per day.

  • This is roughly equivalent to a vertical displacement of about 3 km (or a vertical velocity of about 3 cm/sec).

    Assuming an average T of 250K, the resulting adiabatic temperature change is significant: