Canada is definitely becoming more prominent in the world Oil Market:

Note that almost all of the above net exports goes to the US at a rate of about 2 MBD and those imports currently make up about 10% of US daily consumption.

However, exports to China clearly represent a new market:

In addition, for the short term moment, US crude oil production is now back up from its low of the mid 2000's; but this won't last long!

US Weekly Consumption We have reduced our consumption from a peak of 21 MBD down by 5-8%, but this may be just temporary.

To meet the forecast call requires harvesting of the Athabascan Tar Sands:

And then subsequent delivery to US refining facilities via the Keytone Pipeline. But that only increases US capacity by 7%. If you want to shut down the keystone Pipeline then reduce driving by 7%. Don't create the Market!!! That's the power of the consumer.

Watch later: good example of Boom Town Culture: