Your midterm exam is now available The midterm is entirely ON line at this URL: Note: 1. Your login name is your last name*. The first letter should be capitalized and any other letters that are capitalized in your name should be so. Therefore, your login should be something like Jones not jones or McDuffy not Mcduffy *those of you with the same last name will have a login name where the first letter of your first name is also capitalized. Therefore, suppose there is a Bob Jones and a Kristi Jones in class. Their respective login names would be BJones and KJones. Try this in case your straight last name doesn't work. 2. Your password is the last 4 digits of your UO ID number. ***************************************************************************** READ THIS!!!!! 3. It is generally a good idea when taking these exams to use another application to actually write out your answers (for the essay questions) and then cut and paste from that application into the exam page running in your browser. Therefore if your machine should crash while filling in the exam answers on the exam page (this does happen) or you have trouble submitting the exam, you will still have a record of your answers, stored in some file on your machine, that you can paste back into the exam page if you need to take the exam again. I recommend using Notepad in Windows as a generic text editor for this purpose. ***************************************************************************** 4. THERE IS A FOUR HOUR TIME LIMIT TO TAKE THIS EXAM. Your login is time stamped from where you first access the exam to when you submit it. 5. I am well aware that there is no control over people consulting the web notes and the entire Internet when taking this exam. That's fine - the questions have been designed with that in mind. Just make sure that you do not cut and paste from the web lecture notes and call that an answer to the question. 6. In the past there has been collaborative test taking among various students or student groups. This is not allowed; each person needs to take the exam by themselves. Note: collaboration on exams is *easy* to detect: a) the submitted answers are identical or at least highly similar b) the times the exam was accessed and submitted are also quite similar So don't do this. You will be detected.