HC434 First Individual Assignment

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This assigment is due by 8 pm, Wednesday Oct 27

Please write a 3 page summary on the following:

A very important new event has occurred in the Energy arena which so far has gotten relatively little press.

Basically, significant amounts of new and accessible natural gas deposits have been found in the US. This is both good and bad. One bad aspect is that several energy companies which were planning to invest in wind and solar are now backing off and investing in natural gas.

A good starting point for research is This Article

In your paper you should address three items:

  1. Previous projections of our Natural Gas reserves in the US pre-discovery of these new reserves (essentially pre 2005)

  2. Estimates of how those projections will change as a result of these new discoveres and how certain or uncertain the total yield amounts are.

  3. An opinion, after doing some research on the end use of natural gas, about whether these new discoveries are helpful or instead will serve to delay our implementation of renewable energy production.