University of Oregon Energy Issues:

Annual energy Profile:

constant with fluctuations
Natural Gas production high when price is favorable
Annual electricity cost is about $2 million

But the potential problem we have is in Heat

Most campus buildings are big and heating is inefficient (willamette hall atrium is good example)

But Energy Conservation on Campus is working to stabilize (not decrease) our load:

And per capita student energy use and KWH per square foot is going down (but, be warned, this is most likely due to milder winters and reduced heating and not reduced electricity consumption)

One Case Example:

The Weekend Campus Computer Energy Hog

Worse Case scenario (most users don't hibernate, stand by, or turn off their monitors)

  1. At last count there are 25,000 IP devices on campus (most are computers, some are printers, etc).

  2. On average, each device uses 200 watts of power or 5 MW in total

  3. Assume a weekend is 50 hours long 250 MWH of electricity to power idle machines (although some are servers ...).

  4. 50 weekends a year so that's a total of 12,500 MWH of electricity usage. At just 5 cents per KWH this is $625,000 annual cost.

  5. Reality is somewhat less than this, but you get the idea.

Small but practical steps:

Bolder Steps:

Activities on Other Campuses: