Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion
Instead we are doing this Large Scale NONSENSE:
and this
At some level, it seems fundamentaly insane to blow up the earth
to get resources ...
Why not try something different?
This technology in fact is a "global solution" and represents a chance for the world to collaborate on various infrastructure and production facilities. Such cooperation is required because:
But the potential yield is also enormous:
On an average day, 60 million square kilometers (23 million square miles)
of tropical seas absorb an amount of solar radiation equal in heat content to
about 250 billion barrels of oil.
We use 85 million barrels a day
3000 times less than
this absorbed energy. Hmmm, seems like a solution.
The mechanism of electricity generation is based on simple principles of thermodynamics that allow the ocean to be characterized as a giant heat engine.
Physics of Heat Engines:
To get the highest efficiency one wants to maximize the difference between T1 and T2 but in most natural environments nature doesn't really do this.
For example, here is the situation for OTEC:
And there is plenty of ammonia (NH3) to use as the working fluid.
Energy extracted comes from the cooling of the warmer water
this is transferred to the ammonia which does the actual work
of turning the turbine (as ammonia steam)
Energy extracted is directly proportional to the volume of water and the temperature it drops.
Principal energy loss is when the warmer water meets the cooler water in the condenser.
Does this mean OTEC is silly due to low efficiency
Qualitative energy math:
low efficiency * semi-infinite resource = shitload of output
(note that the sun is a power plant operatin at 0.7% efficiency)
To compensate for low efficiency, OTEC plants need to move a huge
volume of water. This is the technical/engineering challenge. You need
to net export electricity rather than spending more electricity to just run
the pumps!
hell no because the potential stored energy
is gigantic in the ocean.
Conceptual OTEC Turbine Design:
Scale is that a 50-m diameter foot print yields a 100 MW facility
Total available power in tropical waters. This is difficult to really
properly estimate.
Total yield is then 12 TW (enough electricity
for the whole planet)
How about some artificial floating islands with solar cells and windmills overlaying
the OTEC infrastructre. Why the hell not?
Regardless of the overall yield, we must first construct our unit plants.
Some Engineering:
Scaling this to a 100 MW plant:
So, large pipe/pump infrastructure is needed!
Possible Additional Benefits:
Review of OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion)
Some other OTEC resources: