Virtual Lab 1: Right Click here for the simulation (so that it opens in a new window)
Mouseover any of the topics below to load a slide into the right hand box that will give you more information. Clickable links are indicated via underlined blue text. Record all your results and answers for this vitual lab using the provided Lab Notebook Link.
This lab is designed to have you make and record measurements and then to use that recorded data to assess how reliable the instruments are. More specifically, you will make measurements of a speeding cow using 5 different officers. Each of these officers has a different amount of random and systematic error that has been programmed into their radar guns. This means that each measurment of the speeding cow will be different than the previous measurement. Your task is to determine who is the good cop and who is the bad cop and to explain your choices based on the data that you acquired.
In the launcher that you just activated click once on the "untitled" worksheet to open it. That will be your worksheet that you use to record the data. When done, submit your worksheet by clicking on the words "publish to global view" (the first item under reporting tasks).