So a consistent set of observations and writing suggest a prolonged period
within little sunshine Nuclear Winter?
Can modern science say anything about this:
Three possibilities:
So, what happened in 535 AD?
Recent studies of tree ring growth in very old
growth forests in Europe reveal that in the mid 530s there was a sudden
decline in the rate of tree growth which lasted about 15 years.
There is strong evidence of bubonic plague originating
in the year 535 from rodents in East Africa and then spreading far beyond
that geographic boundary.
Tracers of sulfate ions are found in ice cores from
Greenland and Antartica at this time. Sulfate ions occur from sulfuric acid
produced by large volcanic eruptions.
Chinese documents of the time described a huge.
rumbling roar that seemed to "emanate from the south, southwest.
Anecdotal stories surving from indonesia speak of
"a furious shaking of the earth, total darkness, thunder and lightning"
( which could be just a large earthquake
and " large areas of land sank below sea level" (
this could have created the channel between Java and Sumatra.
this is very
unlikely to have produced the observed sulfur deposits at the poles
As an equatorial volcano, a huge ash eruption would deposit ash in the atmosphere in both hemishperes.
In the case of the Pinatubo eruption in 1992, which is relatively small
scale, there is good evidence for a global temperature drop that mitigated global warming
Explosive volcanoes are not uncommon on the Earth
Laki 1783: In Iceland 20-25% of the population
of Iceland died from either famine or fluorine poisoning.
Around 80% of sheep, 50% of cattle and 50% of horses died because of dental and skeletal fluorosis from the 8 million tons of hydrogen fluoride that were released.
An estimated 120 mio. tons of sulfur dioxide were emitted: approximately equivalent to three times the total annual European industrial output in 2006, and also equivalent to a Mount Pinatubo-1991 eruption every three days.[6] This outpouring of sulfur dioxide during unusual weather conditions caused a thick haze to spread across western Europe, resulting in many thousands of deaths throughout 1783 and the winter of 1784. The sun was described as "blood coloured".
Kuwae 1452 A submarine eruption
Simulation Results:
So these things do happen which makes the 535 AD Event PLAUSIBLE Other events:
Roman Emperor Maurice wrote about the invading Mongol Hordes (also known as the Avars), in the late sixth century,
Originating in far-off Mongolia, the Avars had been forced to migrate westwards by the self-same climatic catastrophe which had scattered plague across the continents. Horses do not survive drought well forced
Finally, this Catastrophe may have also killed off the greatest ancient civilization of the Americas the spectacular pyramid-building empire of Teotihuacan, the Place of the Gods in the Mexican language Nahuatl. Recent redating of the collapse of the Teotihuacano civilization shows that occurred around 550 AD.
See also:
The Offical List of Large Eruptions
Its possible that the 535 event was really the 540 +/100 AD eruption of Mt. Rabaul in New Guinea. This particular volcano is know for ash eruptions and is still active. Its most recent significant eruption was in October of 2006.