The general condition:
The world is still largely undiscovered. People in one country or continent know little or nothing about people or ideas elsewhere. Much of the flourishing of scientific thought is taking place in China and what is now known as the Middle East.
Barbarians, hordes, warrior-kings and empire building is a major aspiration of some cultures.
Translation of ancient latin/greek texts into Arabic becomes very important.
A Science Few highlights:
About 1000, Ibn al-Haitam, or al-Hazen, in Opticae Thesaurus, introduced the idea that light rays emanate in straight lines in all directions from every point on a luminous surface.
1086: Shen Kua, a Chinese scientist, writes his Dream Pool Essays in 1086. In these he outlines the principles of erosion, sedimentation and uplift.
1092, Walcher of Malvern, having observed an eclipse in Italy, determined the difference in longitude with England by discovering the time which it was observed there.
Bigger Developments in How to Think
In 1267 and 1268, Bacon published proposals for educational reform, arguing for the study of nature, using observation and exact measurement, and asserting that the only basis for certainty is experience, or verification
What is Bacon expressing here?
Between 1267 and 1273, Aquinas, in Summa Theologica, pointed out the "difference between a hypothesis which must necessarily be true and one which merely fitted the facts. What is the message here?
1276: Thomas Aquinas creates a synthesis between Christian theology and Aristotelianism. He asserted that political power is natural, as hierarchic relations already exist among the angels in heaven.
Note that 1271 saw the last of the Christian Cursades ( or the imposition of one world view on all others that were geographically reachable) . By 1291 muslims had re-captured all the territory in Syria held by the Crusaders
In 1328 or earlier, Ockham, in Summa Logicae, wrote that universals exist only in men's minds and in language, disputing the Aristotelian principle that such things as the final cause were self-evident or necessary. In other words, facts could only be correlated, not caused. Ockham's razor:' What can be done with fewer assumptions is done in vain with more. ( This
razor is bullshit
About 1350, Jean Buridan extended Philoponus's idea by specifying the nature of 'impetus,' that is, the motive power which the agent gives to the moving body which would maintain it at a constant velocity were it not for air resistence and natural gravity.
About 1431, Nikolaus von Cusa established by internal evidence that the document known as the Donation of Constantine, for at least six hundred years the foundation of the Pope's political claims, could not have had the antiquity it purported.
About 1437, Johann Gutenberg became the first in Europe to print with movable type cast in molds.
In 1440, Cusa, in De docta ignorantia, said that the Truth can neither be increased nor diminished and that Intellect, or Reason, can never completely comprehend Truth. But "the more deeply we are instructed in this ignorance, the closer we approach the truth" Why is Cusa the hero of
Team Enlightenment?
The reformation is approaching ...