Various Environmental Stimuli for Evolution:
How does intelligence arise?

Or Does it?

Psssive (Millions of years timescale):

Dispersal of Parental Units by a variety of mechanisms:

Passive: (slowly alters gene pool over time)

Active (catastrophe "overnight" change in ecosystem)

Survival of the fittest works in well-defined, slowly evolving ecosystems (like the ocean); On long time scales, the role of random catastrophe is more important

Mass Extinctions in Geological History
Startling evidence for many events

Pay attention to Percent of Species Extincted

Some Evidence for Periodic Extinction Events of varying amplitude

Mass extinctions mean:

The evolution of intelligence? The rate of increase of EL as measured by the fossil record.

What Can we Conclude from the above Graph:

It seems likely than when terrestrial ecosystems developed, the flow of nutrients to the oceans became impaired which served to suppress that ecosystems growth rate over the rest of geologic time.