Application of Newton's laws in the real world require understanding of the rules (i.e. the physics).
The rules need to be discovered via accurate experimentation and measurement. This is one of the points that Descartes repeatedly makes.
To drive this point home, let's attempt to blow up various important historical figures with our "knowledge-revealed" cannon.
The general use of this simulation is after you have done
your experiment, you need to publish your result and then
we can compare what everyone has done.
again, follow the instructions and take this exercise seriously,
don't just screw around with the cannon.
(Note for those of you that may have practiced in advance, the firing solutions will change right before class.)
Note also that the actual size of the hitbox is much smaller than the Target Icon so you can actually hit the target image and not blow it up because the hitbox is more precise than the target image.
After publishing just hit the back button to return to this page.
This consistency of the newtonian world is precisely why there is no magic in this world. If there is no magic then the world is entirely rational!
It is this consistency that lends itself to the Coming Age of Reason that is all problems
are solvable if you just apply reason to it. But this doesn't mean that
you actually understand the foundation or origing of the problem - only a solution to it.
This is what ENGINEERING IS at its essence! One should never confuse science with
You have now 4 shots to hit the target in a strong headwind.
Publish your successful hit, if you have one. If you did not hit the target then do not publish