Do we still have this idea today?
It was believed that earth was some sort of condensation of air, while fire was some sort of emission from air. When earth condenses out of air, fire is created in the process.
This model is completely consistent with the Greek bias that Nature is highly ordered and that "science" is all about deducing the ordering elements. Plato will later get into this big time with his Theory of Forms:
This theory was meant to deal with following primary issue:
However, the world that we perceive through the mind, using our concepts and cognitive structures, seems to be permanent and unchanging.
Which world (sensory or cognitive) is the most real
and how is it that the world can appear both ways to human perceptions?
The most spokesman for the alternative world view was Democritus who postulated the existence of indestructible atoms ( from the Greek a-tome: that which cannot be cut) of an infinite variety of shapes and sizes. He imagined an infinite universe containing an infinite number of such atoms, in between the atoms there is an absolute void.
This implies, in essence: