Premise: the rate of prey consumption by a predator rises as prey density increases
But, what is the functional form of this rise and what are the limits? For instance, is it linear (Y = ax +b) or might there be other issues that complicate this simple expectation?
What might some of the variables be to consider:
Let's think about predators - what do they do?
This handling time concept now limits a predators consumption rate, espcially if the handling time is large. Lions are a good example of this.
The total predator time (take this as the lifetime of the predator) is
T = Tsearch + Thandling
Now let's specify Ha as the amount of prey captured by the predator during time T (this would be an integer number and is essentially the total amount of prey consumed over the lifetime of the predator). The little a refers to "attack".
Since handling time should be directly proportional to prey capture rate we have:
Thandling = HaTh
where Th is the time spent on handling of 1 prey.
What is the capture strategy of a predator? Mostly
random. A predator hunts around some area over some time interval and
so there is a "search rate" parameter ( eagles ) which we will call α which
has units of area/time (e.g. meters2/seconds) - also we assume that a predator only eats one prey at a time.
After searching for some time, Tsearch, a predator has covered an area of:
αTsearch(meters2/seconds x seconds = meters2)
and has captured:
αTsearch * H
prey, where H is the prey density per unit area (N/area).
by definition Ha =αTsearch*H
αTsearch = Ha/H
isolating Tsearch leads to
Tsearch = Ha/α H
Now one evaluates the total time budget over the predator lifetime spend in the search and handling phases (this is all that a predator does).
T = Tsearch + Thandling = Ha/α H + HaTh
We are interested in expressing Ha as a function
of H (the prey density - hence density dependent consumption ) and T.
Again, Ha is the amount of prey captured by
the predator during time T.
for the asymptotic case where aHTh >> 1 then
Ha = αHT / (1 + αHTh) goes to
Ha = αHT /αHTh = T/Th
This equation -- Ha = αHT / (1 + αHTh) -- has a functional form that looks like this:
How does one interpret this?