Density Dependent Consumption

Premise: the rate of prey consumption by a predator rises as prey density increases

But, what is the functional form of this rise and what are the limits? For instance, is it linear (Y = ax +b) or might there be other issues that complicate this simple expectation?

What might some of the variables be to consider:

Let's think about predators - what do they do?

This handling time concept now limits a predators consumption rate, espcially if the handling time is large. Lions are a good example of this.

The total predator time (take this as the lifetime of the predator) is

T = Tsearch + Thandling

Now let's specify Ha as the amount of prey captured by the predator during time T (this would be an integer number and is essentially the total amount of prey consumed over the lifetime of the predator). The little a refers to "attack".

Since handling time should be directly proportional to prey capture rate we have:

Thandling = HaTh

where Th is the time spent on handling of 1 prey.

What is the capture strategy of a predator? Mostly random. A predator hunts around some area over some time interval and so there is a "search rate" parameter ( eagles ) which we will call α which has units of area/time (e.g. meters2/seconds) - also we assume that a predator only eats one prey at a time.

After searching for some time, Tsearch, a predator has covered an area of:

αTsearch(meters2/seconds x seconds = meters2)

and has captured:

αTsearch * H

prey, where H is the prey density per unit area (N/area).


by definition Ha =αTsearch*H


αTsearch = Ha/H

isolating Tsearch leads to

Tsearch = Ha/α H

Now one evaluates the total time budget over the predator lifetime spend in the search and handling phases (this is all that a predator does).

T = Tsearch + Thandling = Ha/α H + HaTh

We are interested in expressing Ha as a function of H (the prey density - hence density dependent consumption ) and T.

Again, Ha is the amount of prey captured by the predator during time T.

  1. factor out Ha T = Ha*(Th + 1/αH)

  2. rewrite (Th + 1/αH) as (αHTh/αH + 1/αH)

    or (αHTh +1)/αH

  3. we now have T = Ha(αHTh +1)/αH

  4. and then Ha = αHT / (1 + αHTh) (doesn't mean squat until you plot it)

Well that is a bunch of algebra which is mostly useless; insight into this forumalism comes from graphing the function and thinking about.

In brief, this function is non-linear and has an asymptotic form. This means that for low values of H (the prey density) Ha will grow linearly, at a slope that approximates α (the search rate parameter). But that linear coupling does not remain as higher values of H will create a negative feedback and creates a maximum value of Ha = T/Th

for the asymptotic case where aHTh >> 1 then Ha = αHT / (1 + αHTh) goes to

Ha = αHT /αHTh = T/Th

This equation -- Ha = αHT / (1 + αHTh) -- has a functional form that looks like this:

How does one interpret this?

The entire point of introducing this methodoloy is to introduce the concept of system feedbacks which limit rates and ultimately bounds system behavior. This methodology for feedback can also apply to climate change modeling that we are getting to.