r-selected (growth selected -prey) and k-selected (carrying capacity limited -predators) species:
More specifically:
K-selected species usually live near the carrying capacity of their environment. Their numbers are controlled by the availability of resources. They are a density dependent species. Food availability is the principal resource that controls population size, especially if the food is relatively localized.
The attributes of a K-selected species include a long maturation time, breeding relatively late in life, a long lifespan, producing relatively few offspring, low mortality rates of young, and extensive parental care.
The attributes of a r-selected species include a short maturation time, breeding at a young age, a short lifespan, producing many offspring quickly, small offspring, high mortality rates of young, and nonexistent parental care.
r and K selection may depend on ecosystem condition:
While r vs K selection is a useful framework it generally oversimplifies the
problem. Most real systems are subject to non-linear or chaotic
dynamics, involving unstable oscillations around points of
K-selected species are idealized by the equation below where it
can be seen that the growth rate, R, becomes zero as N approaches
K. This is called negative feedback - the idea being as
conditions get "crowded" it is detrimental to growth. The problem
with real systems is that estimates of K are very difficult and
Note when N << K, N/K is zero. In this case pure (unbounded) exponential growth is occuring:
r-growth is standard exponential growth which leads to population crashes. The functional difference between r and K selected growth is shown below:
In reality, K-selected growth qualitatively looks like this:
In this case we have r-selected growth up to the carrying capacity
line but then we have oscillations about that line. These oscillations
have points of unstable equilibria (i.e. the smaller scales peaks and
valleys). Small perturbations in the system, when species growth is
at one of these points, could trigger catastrophic continued r-growth
or rapid decay. This is called non-linear dynamics (sometimes called
chaotic dynamics). In the case where too much habitat has been develolped (h has fallen below hcritical then the population will generally crash, as shown below:
In non-linear dynamics, small perturbations in some system can cause large changes in overall system evolution.
Some of this behavior is seen in the classic predator-prey case study of Lynxs and Snowshow hares. Its an excellent example of density dependent lag time in some system:
Note that this system is in quasi-equilibrium when averaged over long timescales. This is called Statistical Equilibrium .
On short time scales, however, the relative species densities are rapidly changing. Each peak or valley in this cyclical behavior is a point of unstable equilibrium and a small pertubation could drive the system completely out of control.
An additional complication is time lags or system response. In real life, this is the limiting factor for accurate modeling.
Non-linear dynamics is very difficult to accurately model because of the degree of non-linear response of the system is unknown and the relevant stress parameters are poorly understood.
But it can be effectively simulated.
Sometimes predator stablization can occur, if the predator can find prey over large areas. Here is a good example from Tawny Owls in the UK
How to do simple modeling: (and the previous simulation is based excatly on this sample model)
The simple model is that predator-prey interactios affect predator density and prey densities and then there is feedback between the two populations based on their densities.
Prey Population growth rate:
Predator population growth rate:
N = Noert ; r is the growth rate (percent growth per year)
so this is how predator and prey density
enter into this.
This predation model is called the Lotka Volterra model (in case you want to Google on it).
The model has two equations, one for prey populations and one for predator populations. To understand dynamics, find points when populations are in equilibrium (population growth rates of zero).
Thus r/p is a controlling parameter
For predators, dP/dt=0 occurs when apHP=mp or H=m/ap
Thus m/ap is a controlling parameter
Starting from lower left quandrant and moving counter clockwise.
Real Blackboard lecture on this (lots of math making this look harder than it really is).
Note, what we call parameters a,m and p maybe denoted by other symbols in these other presentations of this material.