This assignment can be done using any programming language that you can. You are required to program the equations for yourself and not
rely on an application to do it for you (like EXCEL).
You will submit both your programming script and the required graph.
Upload those things as a SINGLE document using the upload submission form
- Download this data file (an excel spreadsheet)
This data file contains two relevant entries:
- Column C is the year
- Column D is the observed annual temperature for that year in units of degrees F
- You are to write a program that determines the standard deviation (make sure you use the proper equation for standard deviation) of the temperature data from any arbitrary beginning year and ending year that the user would input.
To calibrate your program, report the return standard deviations for the years 1930 to 1960 and then 1980 to 2010.
- You are to make a plot that plots the temperature as average (binned) in 10 year increments and the standard deviation also averaged
in 10 year increments. Make the temperature data red and the standard
deviation data blue .
- Submit your program, your returned standard deviations, and your graph as a single document (PDF is fine).
In class on April 11 we will discuss this assignment and show various
ways to tackle it. Hopefully we will be using your work for this and
not ours.