VTK File characteristics:

  • ASCII or binary;

The VTK file format consists of five parts; the first three are mandatory, and the last two are optional.

# vtk DataFile Version m.n
The header line. "m.n" is the version number.
a title
The title may be up to 256 characters, terminated by a new line.
indicates the format used for subsequent data.
values for type are "STRUCTURED_POINTS" or "STRUCTURED_GRID" or "UNSTRUCTURED_GRID" or "POLYDATA" or "RECTILINEAR_GRID"; Depending on the type chosen, there will be further lines of keywords and values to define the data.
The number of data items n of each type must match the number of points in the dataset.

When describing the cells in terms of point indices, the points must be indexed starting at 0.

All point data must use 3 coordinates. Even if your model has 2D geometry, each point must have (X,Y,Z) coordinates. Simply set Z = 0 if you want to work in 2D.

Some simple example vtk files. Note copy these first and THEN open Paraview.