Astronomy 121 Reading Material/Lectures

  1. Air, Earth, Fire and Water

  2. Naked Eye Observations

  3. The Universe of Aristotle

  4. The Celestial Sky

  5. Measuring the Radius of the Earth

  6. The Ptolemaic Moment

  7. Towards a New World Model

  8. Galileo and the Telescope

  9. Tycho and the Parallax Experiment

  10. Kepler and the Mechanical Universe

  11. Newton Explains it All

  12. Orbital Properties of the Solar System

  13. Solar System Overview

  14. Characterization of Surface Features

  15. Formation of the Solar System

  16. Hit and Run Planetary Formation

  17. Formation of the Moon

  18. Exploration of the Moon

  19. The Planet Mercury

  20. The Planet Venus

  21. The Geologically Active Earth

  22. Drivers of Plate Tectonics

  23. All About Mars

  24. Life on Mars

  25. The Asteroid Belt

  26. Comets, Asteroids and Meteorites

  27. Mass Extinctions and Impact Events

  28. All About Jupiter

  29. The Jupiter Interior

  30. The Galilean Satellites

  31. The Galilean Satellites Image Tour

  32. All About Saturn

  33. The Moons of Saturn

  34. Hydrocarbon Lakes on Titan

  35. Tiny Enceladus May Hold Ingredients of Life

  36. Uranus and Neptune

  37. A Diversity of Worlds

  38. Miranda: Destroyed and Reformed, over and over again

  39. Extra Solar Planetary Systems

  40. Doppler Wobble Tutorial

  41. Formation of Planetary Atmospheres

  42. Biochemical Evolution in the Oceans

  43. Oxygen Addition to our Atmosphere

  44. Is their Intelligent Life on the Earth?

  45. Intelligent Life in the Universe