Astronomy 121 Final Homework Assignment
- In the simulation below (for question 3), you will be using the radial velocity,
or doppler wobble, method of planetary detection. This technique has been used to
date to discover the vast majority of extra solar planetary systems. However, other
techniques also exist.
For this question, please provide a summary of at least three of the
other techniques used to discover extra solar planetary systems.
- Describe the design and goals of the eventual Terrestrial Planet Finder mission
being developed by NASA.
- In the exercise linked below, you should try to detect and measure the doppler
perturbation of virtual planets around virtual stars to try an ascertain
the observing and detector requirements in order to see the full orbital
period reflex motion of the host star.
For each star you select, you
are to try and find a solution of the system in terms of the mass
of the orbiting planet and its separation from its host 1 solar
mass star.
You must make 3 measurements per star, depending
on the Case detectors below. Thus, you should be reporting a total of 9 measurements.
(Many of which won't yield a detection you are to report on why no detection
is available for that particular Case.)
A successful detection means that the white line model fit, obtained
by adjusting the mass and distance in the third step of the applet
goes through the red data points. Note the gray bars around the
red data points are observational error, which you can adjust.
Detector plus Observing Conditions
Within the simulation, you can set these 3 items.
Observing period (number of years that you will be
observing the star).
- Number of observations over the observing period.
- The error or precision in your radial velocity.
Okay open up
the simulator
- Check the Specify a catalog box.
- Scroll down to where it says Four Sample Stars.
- Check the Specify a solar system box to select
each one of these 4 stars.
- After selection go to Step 2: Observe Radial Velocity.
- Set the Time Span, Record Rate and Error to each of the 3 cases below.
- With that set up, go to Step 3 and try to see if you can fit
the data with a model. If you can, report the results (i.e., mass
of planet and distance from sun). If you can't, then explain why
your observations are deficient and preclude a successful detection.
- By way of example, let's follow this walk thru.
- Select The Sun.
- Click on Step 2.
- Use the Case III conditions (set time span = 20, record rate=80 (i.e.
4 observations per year) , error = 3 meters/sec).
- Notice that under these conditions, a noisy sine wave appears.
- Now go to Step 3.
- Here we want to adjust the Mass and distance values to make the
white line go through the data. The default values are a perturbing
planet of mass 0.5 Jupiter masses at a distance of 6 AU from the sun.
That guess does not work.
Adjust the mass to 1 Jupiter mass and notice
that's close in amplitude to the data but it seems out of phase.
adjust the distance to 5 AU and voila, the
white line goes through the data.
So this system has a solution of 1 Jupiter mass at 5 AU.
- Now go back to Step 2 and use the Case I observing/detector
conditions (e.g. 10, 50, 15)
notice the sign
wave has disappeared and you can no longer detect the perturbing
planet under these worse conditions. In particular, the error is
too large, but also the time span is less than a full orbital period.
So, the point is that for each combination of detector/observing parameters
there are systems that you can and cannot detect.
You can now go back to Step 3 (where your original solution still
pertains); although the white line kind of goes through the data,
there is too much variation and no one would believe this is a secure
Your assignment is to now fit the other three stars, using the three
combinations below, to either a) determine the model parameters or b)
explain why the given system can't be detected in either Case I, II, or
Observing/Detector Cases
Case I:
Time Span= 10 years
Record Rate = 50
Error = 15
Case II:
Time Span = 4 years
Samples =20
Error = 7
Case III:
Time Span= 20 years
Record Rate = 80
Error = 3