Key points in the formation of the earth:
- Formed via acretion of grains in a 4-step process
- Original Protoearth was molten
- dense material (molten nickel and iron) flowed to the
- lighter material (molten silicon) flows to the top
- earth cools and solidifies into basic core, mantle and crust
- Overall density of the earth is 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter
- The earth has a lot of trapped gases in its interior
The original atmosphere of the Earth, Venus and Mars consisted of
Hydrogen and Helium. Those light elements, however, were heated
to escape velocity by solar radiation and thus this atmosphere
escaped. The current atmospheres of the Earth, Venus and Mars are
therefore secondary and evolved from other processes.
Overview of Atmospheric Compositions:
- Venus
Atmosphere is almost entirely Carbon Dioxide.
Atmospheric pressure is 90 times that of the Earth. There is a lot
of Carbon Dioxide present.
- Earth
Atmosphere is essentially 75% Nitrogen and 25%
Oxygen. Where did the Carbon Dioxide go?
- Mars
Atmosphere is almost entirely Carbon Dioxide but
there is not much of it now. Atmospheric pressure is about 1% that
of the Earth's.
Early Formation of the Earth's Atmosphere
Present day composition of volcanoe effluents:
- Water Vapor
- Carbon Dioxide
- Sulfur
- Nitrogen
- Argon
- Chlorine
It is likely that there was NOT enough water released via outgassing
to account for the present day oceans
Most of the water was likely delivered to the earth after it
formed via collisions with left over planetesimals and cometisimals.
The influence of Jupiter on the orbits of leftover cometisimals
may well be key.