Formation of the Earth's Moon

How did this get here?

The earth has a bulk density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter. This density reflects the composition of material at the location in the solar system where the Earth was assembled via accretion. Logically one would therefore expect the moon to the have the same density. However,the moon has a density of 3.3 grams per cubic centimeter. Is this a problem? Yes! This implies a special formation history for the Moon which is difficult to understand from first principles.

The Origin of the Moon:

Until recently, the origin of the Moon was not understood. The moon has long been an anomaly because its mass is 1/80th of Earth's mass and volume is 1/50th of Earth's volume. This is very large for a planetary satellite. For instance, the moon to planet mass ratio for Ganymede, the largest moon in the Solar System, to it's planet Jupiter is less than 1/1000th. Their volume ratio is almost 1 to 20,000.

Possibilities for Lunar Origin:

The above 3 scenarios for lunar formation are all physically implausible so why is the moon there?

Let's imagine the following sequence: