Fleet-level Energy use and Emissions in Transportation (FLEET) ModelWelcome to the Fleet-level Energy use and Emissions in Transportation (FLEET) model public Beta release siteAboutFLEET v0.0.1 is the first public beta release of the Fleet-level Energy use and Emissions in Transportation model, developed by Jesse Jenkins and Prof. Greg Bothun at the University of Oregon. The FLEET model builds on "well-to-wheels" studies of energy use and emissions of conventional and alternative transportation fuels and vehicles in the light-duty vehicle sector to present a model that allows users to explore the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of an entire vehicle fleet that's composition changes over time. FLEET may be used to model potential future changes in vehicle fleets ranging in size from private or government fleets to the light duty vehicle fleets of an entire state or country. The FLEET model may be used to analyze the potential impacts of policy decisions relating to light-duty transportation, to examine what changes to a vehicle fleet are necessary to achieve a particular objective (to reduce oil consumption 30% by 2030, for example). Energy use and emissions results presented in FLEET combine both 'upstream' inputs and emissions from feedstock recovery and transportation, fuel production/refining and distribution as well as 'downstream' vehicle fuel use and tailpipe emissions to present the full "well-to-wheels" energy use and emissions covering the entire fuel pathway. FLEET v0.0.1 currently comes pre-loaded with a set of fuel and vehicle pathways drawn from a June 2006 well-to-wheels study completed by Jesse Jenkins at the University of Oregon. Future releases will allow users to select other sets of well-to-wheels pathways drawn from other studies and may allow users to input their own well-to-wheels pathways. As FLEET v0.0.1 is a public beta release, it may contain bugs and lacks fully developed integrated user help features. User comments and feedback, identification of bugs and suggestions about help features are welcome and should be sent to FLEETmodel@gmail.com.