Updated 05/ 23
Website address: http://homework.uoregon.edu/mstrick
E-mail address: GeoMania37@gmail.com
Object: The object of this course is to familiarize the student with the basic concepts and practices of the modern Earth Sciences, with a particular emphasis on Physical and Historical Geology, as well as human interactions—both positive and negative—with the earth. Since geology is a field-oriented science, one or more field trips will be planned for each term, and the student is encouraged to participate in them.
Text (101, 102, & 103): Physical Geology, by Monroe & Wicander (6th Ed.)
Lab Manual (101, 102, & 103): Lab Manual in Physical Geology (12th Ed.), by Cronin
Class Schedule: Classes will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:50 p.m.
Academic Honesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of academic dishonesty are regarded as serious offenses. Instructors have the right to take action on any suspected acts of academic dishonesty. Depending on the nature of the offense, serious penalties may be imposed, ranging from loss of points to expulsion from the class or college.
Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence Policies: Rogue Community College does not discriminate in any programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, use of native language, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veteran status, disability, age, pregnancy or any other status protected under applicable federal, state or local laws.
Accommodations: Any student who feels that they may need academic accommodations for a disability, such as vision, hearing, orthopedic, learning disabilities, psychological or other medical conditions, should make an appointment with the Disability Services.
Final grades: Lecture - Obtained by an average of 2 exams, 1 GeoFantasy Presentation, and the APE Factor. Expect an approx. 90%, 80%, 70% break between letter grades.
The Exams: Tests are an unavoidable complication to all aspects of life, but I’ll try to make the ones you have to take here as enjoyable as possible (and a learning experience unto themselves). Expect what you see! I like a wide variety of questions, including multiple choice, matching (everybody's favorite), identification / manipulation / practicum, diagrams, and short and long answer essay.
Concerning notes: I am absolutely convinced that a person’s ability to understand and remember something is directly proportional to the number of times their brain has to juggle that particular bit of information. I strongly encourage note-taking; both during class discussions and while reading. As a reward for good note-taking, I will allow you to use one (1) page of notes during exams. Photocopies of any kind are not allowed, and the tests are not open book, nor are they open neighbor. All this means is that if you want to take the time to write it down you can use it during the test. Yes, this includes copying charts and diagrams.
Concerning make-up exams: Make-up exams are rarely practical, and are not possible at all without previous notification to the instructor — don't show up for the next class and expect to be able to take it. This is especially true for the lab practicum portions of each exam (mineral and rock identification, image identification, topographic maps, and others as may occur). If you hope to get the grade you hope to get, words fail to convey the importance of making it to class on test night!
Concerning the Testing Center: The testing center is not a practical option in the Geology series at RCC. Apart from the maps and charts and such that are displayed in the room (and available for your use during the exam), many of the lab practicum portions of each test are essentially impossible to complete outside of the room. These include: mineral and rock identification, image identification, topographic maps, and others as may occur. If you and Disability Services decide that you cannot test in the room with the rest of the class, I may be able to arrange (with sufficient advance to get it done), a separate location in the building which will keep you close enough to access what you need, but still give you the space you (and Disability Services) determine that you need. If you fall into this category, be sure to arrange your specific accommodation through the Disability Services at the beginning of the term, and then make sure I am brought into the discussion.
GeoFantasy Presentation (101, 102, & 103): Research a topic of your choice, prepare a paper on that topic, and give a 15 to 20 minute presentation to the class. I feel this is an extremely important aspect of the course, and it will be pretty tough to get an “A” without putting the appropriate amount of energy into it. Your paper should be roughly two typed pages, and while this is not an English or Speech class, I expect you to write, and speak, coherently. The range of acceptable topics is quite liberal and should allow everyone the chance to research something that is of interest to them.
Concerning your oral presentation: Be sure to contact Media (956-7037) in advance to arrange for any A/V support you might need, and show up early enough to get yourself set before class starts. Do NOT read us your paper (an automatic point deduction). There are very few things more boring than someone delivering a “speech” in a fast monotone, which is what we usually get when someone reads a report out loud. Know what you want to say, prepare some note cards if you need the support (most do), and then talk to us about your topic. If you’ve chosen something you’re interested in, this shouldn’t be a problem. If you haven’t, your resulting grade will more than likely reflect your lack of enthusiasm (and preparation).
Concerning your written report: In these hectic days of modern times, it's so easy, and tempting, to find what we need on the Internet. Coupled with the ability to copy and paste, an assignment like this can take on a whole new dimension. Beware of plagiarism. Beyond being against RCC guidelines, it is just wrong. I can usually spot it, and generally have a predictably negative reaction. ’nuf said.
Concerning timing: When confronted with something like this, I always figured that going as close to first as possible was a good plan: it was done and I could then focus on other issues as the term progressed, and it also got me out of the way before the teacher had a whole herd of others to compare me with. I also felt that it showed courage in the face of almost certain humiliation (or worse), and fervently hoped that my teacher would smile favorably on someone with (apparently) more guts than sense. In any event, I’ll be offering several of the highly coveted early spots on the first night of class. If you don’t manage to snag one of these, you’ll be stuck with the mob.
The APE Factor (Attendance, Participation, and Enthusiasm): Some of what we cover is in the book. Much is not. In addition, most, if not all of the labs (and demonstrations) are borderline impossible to complete out of the classroom. I highly encourage good attendance, and will credit you with up to 10 points each class session (the total number you receive will depend upon when you arrive and leave). Please don’t ask for excused absences. For several very good reasons, they don’t exist. Either come to class or don’t - as always, the choice is yours.
Concerning APEs: I can’t stress the importance of this category enough. I expect that we’ll cover quite a bit of territory throughout the term, and complete many labs and demonstrations, both announced and spontaneous. You will have real trouble keeping up if you don’t show up. I also feel that it is better to learn together, and generally appreciate a group that actively participates in the learning experience. I reserve the right to make a subjective appraisal of your participation in class, and enthusiasm for the subject, at the end of the term.
Geology 101 - Fall Term
Mon. : Orientation; Intro to the Earth
Wed. : Intro to EarthTime; Lab Geologic Timeline
Mon. : Beginnings - The Universe, Solar System, and Earth
Wed. : The Earth (Includes PowerPoint: The Rock Cycle) (Ch. 1)
Mon. : Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics (PowerPoint) (Ch. 2); The Cascadia Subduction Zone (intro & group selections)
Wed. : Plate Tectonics Lab 2.4 (A.1-3, 6; B.1-2; C), 2.6, 2.8; The Cascadia Subduction Zone (group work)
Sat. : Field Trip (Josephine Ophiolite)
Mon. : Earthquakes (PowerPoint) (Ch. 10 & 11); The Cascadia Subduction Zone (group work)
Wed. : Earth's Interior (Ch. 10 & 11); Lab 11.1 (C; D; E), 11.2, 11.3 (A2; B; C1-3; D); The Cascadia Subduction Zone (group work)
Mon. : The Cascadia Subduction Zone (public forum)
Wed. : Exam
Mon. : Matter and Minerals (Ch. 3)
Wed. : Mineral Identification (PowerPoint); Lab 3 (Lab sheets/specimens provided)
Mon. : Minerals: Review Lab; Intro to Igneous Processes (PowerPoint) (Ch. 4)
Wed. : Igneous Processes and Rocks (Ch. 4); Lab 5 (Lab sheets/specimens provided)
Mon. : Volcanism (Ch. 5) (PowerPoint)
Wed. : Volcanism (Ch. 5) (Slides and Videos: bring popcorn and drinks and enjoy the show)
Mon. : Deformation and Mountain Building (PowerPoint) (Ch. 13);
Wed. : Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes, and Plutons
Mon. : Exam
Wed. : No class: Happy Turkey Day
Mon. : GeoFantasy Presentations (the mob)
Wed. : Pizza
Geology 102 - Winter Term
Mon. : Orientation; G-101 Review (PowerPoint)
Wed : Topographic maps (PowerPoint); Lab #9.2 (C), 9.3, 9.6
Mon. : Sedimentary Rocks and Processes (PowerPoint) (Ch. 7)
Wed. : Sedimentary Rocks; Lab #6
Mon. : No Class: Martin Luther King's Birthday
Wed. : Metamorphic Rocks (PowerPoint) (Ch. 8)
Mon. : Metamorphic Rocks (PowerPoint - classification); Lab #7
Wed. : Exam
Mon. : Introduction to water and surface processes; Intro to Chemical Weathering lab
Wed. : Climate and Meteorology (PowerPoint)
Mon. : Weathering (PowerPoint) (Ch. 6); Intro to Climate Change
Wed. : Erosion and Mass Wasting (PowerPoint) (Ch. 14); Group work, Climate Change
Mon. : Stream Dynamics (PowerPoint) (Ch. 15); Group work, Climate Change
Wed. : Stream Dynamics (PowerPoint); Lab #12.2 (A, B, C), 12.6; Group work, Climate Change
Mon. : No Class: President's Day
Wed. : Transition: Streams to Groundwater; Group work, Climate Change
Mon. : Groundwater (Ch. 16); Group work, Climate Change
Wed. : Groundwater; Lab #13.2, 13.4 (A, B, C), 13.6; Group work, Climate Change
Sat. : Field Trip to Lower Rogue River
Mon. : Climate Change Public Forum
Wed. : Exam
Mon. : GeoFantasy Presentations (the mob)
Wed. : Pizza (review of mass wasting processes)
Geology 103 - Spring Term
Mon. : Orientation; G-101 and G-102 Review (PowerPoint)
Wed. : Introduction to glaciers (PowerPoint) (Ch. 17)
Mon. : Alpine glaciers (PowerPoint); Lab #13.2, 13.3, 13.4
Wed. : Continental glaciers; (PowerPoint, SlideShow); Lab #13.5
Mon. : Arid Lands (PowerPoint) (Ch. 18)
Wed. : Arid Lands; Lab #14.1 (A, B), 14.3, 14.4
Mon. : Oceanography and Coastal Processes (Ch. 19)
Wed. : Economic Geology: Introduction, Ore vs. Waste; Rock and Industrial Materials; Intro to Earth Resources
Mon. : Economic Geology: Plate tectonics and primary mineral deposits; Group work, Earth Resources
Wed. : Exam
Mon. : Intro to Paleontology and Evolution (PowerPoint) (Ch. 9); Lab - Evidence of Evolution; Group work, Earth Resources
Wed. : Evolution and Geologic Time; Lab - Patterns of Evolution; Group work, Earth Resources
Sat. : Field Trip to Upper Rogue River and Crater Lake
Mon. : Relative Age Dating (PowerPoint) (Ch. 9.4); Lab - Relative Dating; Group work, Earth Resources
Wed. : Stratigraphic Columns and Stratigraphic Correlation (Ch. 9.5); Lab - Facies Changes; Group work, Earth Resources
Mon. : Earth History (Archean and Proterzoic) (Ch. 13); Group work, Earth Resources
Wed. : No Class
Mon. : No Class: Memorial Day
Wed. : Earth History: the Origins and Evolution of Life; Group work, Earth Resources
Mon. : Earth Resources Public Forum
Wed. : Exam
Mon. : GeoFantasy Presentations (the mob)
Wed. : Pizza
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